Monday, August 16, 2010

Triple header in the books

First I'll talk about Winston's. The show went pretty solid. I was happy with my set. Tried some new jokes, and basically did 2 jokes in 9 minutes. Worked in crowd work, and I think I rebounded nicely from last week. There was a little drama. There's the dude that started OBC, who to be honest, is not that funny. When I first started my friends would leave when he took the stage. He has his moments, but his b.s. and big head are not deserved. He's called me out a few times, and asked me this week to put him up later. I will do it, simply because I don't need the headache. It will affect the show poorly, I wish we'd just ban him as he brings nothing to the show.

There was a nice dude that basically does crowd work and high energy jokes who used to be friends with that guy. Well the headache dude kinda bombed, and the nice dude did pretty decent. Welp he got called out saying he stole the jokes. It escalated to telling him he is going to punch him if it happens again. It affected the nice guy a bit, which is basically all the douche wanted. Now the nice guy doesn't want to do the show if the headache is there. Lame.

Well last night I had 3 shows. First was a 3 minute open mic. It started off really good as I said something about the comics before me. It didn't end quite as strong but I was happy with it. I then headed over to the gym and got a workout in. After that I was closing the show at the Palace. It was a tough spot, as some people had already left and the show was slightly over time. It was the opposite as the Store show as I started off slow and ended strong. The slow start was my own fault as I stumbled over a few words when I started. I worked my way out, and ended solid.

I was on the backend of the show. Which means Sunday and Wednesday shows are promoted, but the club still wants a little control of the shows. They put on 4 comedians to the show. Most promoters usually put the backend people at the end, making things slightly difficult. I don't mind, it's still stage time. Well most of the shows take tips at the end. Whenever I promote the shows I include everyone. Well I look at the bottom of the lineup and it reads "Tips will only be split by producers and promoters of the show." It's messed up to not include people over 10$. Just really really trivial, and it makes the producers look like cheap tools. I shall remember those involved in the future.

Anyways I headed over to the Blarney Stone after. I have really been looking forward to doing this show. I think I've been getting better and better with crowd work, and it's something I enjoy. I had a lot of people compliment me after and felt good about it. 2 people asked me about being apart of their shows, which is cool. One guy, who was pretty wasted, but he did ask me about doing a show with Carlos Mencia. Whether he was just drunk or not I gave him my contact info. Some people speak poorly about Mencia, but let's be honest I'm not gonna turn that down if it happened.

I have been having dreams with other comics in them the last few nights. No gay stuff, just booking shows and what not. The other night was with a comic I rarely work with, and last night was with one of my good friends of comedy. The other night I think it was doing a tour, can't really remember. Last night we were offered a show, but we weren't sure we wanted to take it as we were still waiting to hear back from MTV. Plus we heard bad things about the booker of the show. Who knows what they means, other than I dream a lot when I don't drink heavily.

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