Friday, August 13, 2010

Please don't make us think

So I did my what seems to be monthly show at a dive ish bar in Ocean Beach. It's usually me with a bunch of up and coming San Diego comics. It's a long show, 3 hours, twice the recommended length of a show. I felt pretty good about my set. I did a combo of newish jokes and some of the old staple jokes. I wanted to do some crowd work but the promoter of the show sent us an email before the show about all these topics that she didn't want us to talk about. I am in no way a hateful style comic, but I didn't want to get into a convo with a stranger and have my brain spin into taboo subjects.

After I got off stage I had a few people shake my hand and say I did well. That's always good. They were a typical bar crowd. They didn't want to think, and basically wanted shit and sex jokes. I can do those jokes, but those arn't the jokes I am most proud of. I actually wrote 3 new jokes yesterday. None groundbreaking or anything, but it's been awhile since I had a 3 joke day. Let's see if I ever perform them.

So after my set I went down to another bar with a few friends. There was an improv group that was suppose to do an hour after the show, but when I returned I learnt they only did 20 minutes. I guess a lot of the crowd started funneling out and they lost motivation. I wish I would have known that as I could have done more time. Anyways I went to another comic with a fellow comic. She's one of the good ones, comedy wise and person wise. We dished about the biz, and the lunatics in the comedy scene. It's so crazy to think about how many comics I meet that really have no sense of reality. They are either so socially awkward or just arn't funny people off stage.

We talked a lot about one comic. She had known him before he started comedy,and spoke about how he was one of the funniest people she's ever met. I was friends with him when I got started, but he is the extreme example of what is the the scum of comedy. He simply uses people to get what he wants. It's sad really. She told me stories about him basically stealing her jokes, and no longer being friendly with her since he started. I mean I realize there is politics to comedy, but to knock people down to get there is trash. I have countless stories about this guy, all have been talked about in the blog. This week I threw him a bone and put him as a feature on Winston's. I told him I didn't really expect him to promote, but it was his birthday and I was trying to make nice. Well I get a phone call this week saying he can't make it, cuz he's staying in L.A. I heard last night he made some comment, "Why would I drive all the way from L.A. to do a feature spot?" Dude you're not that funny. Do your politics, live off daddy's allowance, keep showing up at places asking to get on their shows. There's two people in San Diego that claim to do comedy full time, him and a bald Nazi, strangely enough they are the two people I don't feel comfortable being in the same room with. If that's what makes you a comic, I hope I never make it. End rant....

Oh and while we were hanging out after. We discussed comics we enjoyed. It was cool to hear that both the comics included me in their top 5. I literally could only think of 3 people, I actually will sit down and watch. God I'm bitter :) Oh and I told the female comic how at least 2 female non comics told me they didn't like her. I have no clue why these gals don't like her nor did they have reasoning behind not liking her. Why have I been wide awake since 7 AM?

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