Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You want the knife back?

So did an unexpected set at the Comedy Palace tonight. I went there intending to work the door and they let me do some time. I could have went without going on stage. I didn't do that great. Stumbled over my words a few times, and lost some of the audience. I went up first which is fine, but I wasn't happy with my set. Like I said before when I started I didn't drink at all, but with getting free drinks at the Friday spot I've been using that to loosen me up. I didn't drink at all tonight, and while I don't feel nervous or anything. While I'm up there I feel like I'm talking too fast and my pacing is off. You should never blame it on the audience, but this crowd was kind of dumb, they wanted yelling and didn't want to hear witty stuff. The comic that went up after me did really well. He started at like 19. God I wish I started when I was younger, even if I started when I moved out here who knows where I'd be. I'm so tired of some of my jokes. I'm starting to turn into the comic I dreaded. The dude that does the same jokes every week. It's depressing, esp. considering I don't even know what my solid 10 minutes is. I'm tired of my jokes!

Now to the title of the blog. I used to write with this one comic, but we kind of stopped writing as he wanted to focus more on promoting and working on being better than me...basically. I kind of saw this guy as a friend but he Hollywood's me quite a bit. He's from L.A. and as much as I thought he was better than all that I'm slowly learning he's all about doing what is going to help him. I gave him a really big break next semester because I thought we were friends, but at this point I don't really even feel comfortable shaking his hand. I'm not going to make a brass decision and say he's done, but if I continue to get this weird vibe I'm going to have to.

What prompted the latest thing. I am writing with a new comic who I feel comfortable with and doesn't act like he's better than me. Plus I've been texting with another comic a lot recently. And our texts inspired some joke about soap operas, etc. I then spawned a joke about sesame street and elmo. I have a lot of stuff. But what I was most proud of was this, "why is elmo so excited, he is basically one missing L from being emo." I think that is real clever. I then went into no one buying a tickle me emo doll, and what it would do if you squeezed it. I was really excited about this joke. Other ppl thought it was funny. I tell this dude, he stares at me and says "Are you serious?" Gives me a face like you suck, I'm so much better than you. Sorry sir, I guess I only can write jokes about being a minority and having sex to impress you. I'm bitter that crowds love jokes that are sooooo over done, but something out there like the surgeon general having the easiest job or needle in a haystack being a rediculous phrase get a few chuckles.

I recall telling him I had 45 minutes of material a few months back. He's like "Ya but how much is A material?'' I said all of it. I have no idea what A material is. I had so many jokes that got laughs that I rarely do anymore. I have no clue what A material is. He likes puting people down, I'm not cool with that.

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