Monday, December 21, 2009

I still suck

Did a show 2night. Some ppl laughed but I didn't feel like I did that well. There was a girl out front that was basically asleep and that was all I could see. I went up after a dude that did a lot more time than anyone else. He was funny but it was not ez following him. It was a long day. I went into work an hour late, went to the gym during my lunch break, showered after work, went to the party, then the show, then back to the xmas party. I'm not feeling good about my jokes so it was sad I didn't do that well. Things ended with the lady. It's cool, it was mutual. She has her stuf 2gether and I obviously don't. I'm trying to book more Maine shows but it seems there r only 2 places that do comedy. I booked at one place, and the others will come. I like a gal at work and I think its time I try to take her out. She's real pretty. I would brag about her. Dare me to ask her out.... I will.

Jokes: Facebook, spell check, google, typewriters, 100% american, old vadge, home depot, cigarettes, intervention, etc

1 comment:

  1. I dare you to ask her out :)
    You never know, she could say yes, and if she doesn't, well she doesn't deserve a date with the very talented and funny Jeff Bilodeau!
