Monday, December 7, 2009

Comedy Store with a lady

Actually got picked for the Comedy Store open mic. First time in awhile. They say it's a random drawing, who knows to be honest. They put me on, and I appreciate it. I went up 2nd. Every time I've done that place I've gone up first or second. I think once I went up 6th, but it's rare.

Anyways, my lady friend joined me. It was a little hard as when I got there there was 4 ppl in the crowd. There were a few more ppl when I went up. I did a pretty much clean set. I was slightly nervous before I went up because the gal thinks I'm funny and I didn't want to disappoint. I got up there and did my dry delivery and did pretty good. I felt good up there. I told another comic, the laughs at a comedy club are so much stronger than doing a bar. When I headlined there were 60 ppl there to see me, and while I was on stage I didn't think I was doing that great. There were maybe 13 ppl in the crowd when I went up and I could hear all the laughter. But for some reason all I can see up there is the one or two ppl not laughing. The other night at Winstons there was a lady in the front row that was yawning while I was on stage. She was there for the headliner, and I watched her and while the headliner was on stage she didn't laugh at all. Wtf is wrong with people. If you're not gonna laugh get the f out the front row. I give the set a solid B. Only cool thing was that the host, who is kinda mean to all the open micers, after I got off stage he said "That was funny right, it's great when the comics are actaully funny i don't have to say anything in between." He only said that about one other dude that night.

Life stuff. Should find out this week if I'm gonna get booked at my sister's college. I really really hope it happens. And about the girl, I like her, I think she likes me, maybe it will turn out well.

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