Saturday, December 19, 2009

Welp I suck again

Did an interview before the show yesterday for a dude's documentary on open mic comedy. It was cool to talk about things and the struggle of comedy. I had worked since 7 am, and didn't drink the 3 nights prior which means no sleep. During my lunch break I took a nap but I was still kind of tired. The interview was interesting, I don't think I got into as much as I wanted but it was cool to be on camera again. I kind of miss the production side of all that stuff.

Anyways comedy. Looking back I probably drank too much, or it hit me harder because I was so tried. Either way I wasn't that excited or that funny for that matter. The lady brought some friends which is great and all but it puts additional pressure on me. I will not be funny at every show. One of her friends came up to me after and said "I heard good things about you, sorry it wasn't great tonight." Awesome my first impression is I suck. Never ever tell a comic they didn't do well. I probably need to take a break, as I really thought about quitting last night. I know I won't because ppl keep putting me on their shows. That's awesome and all, but that means more pressure to promote. It's hard enough to promote when you feel confident is your abilities but when you feel like crap it doesn't make things very easy.

I tried a joke about siamese cats that I fussed with for about 2 weeks. I think it was quite but it didn't go over that well. I did some other jokes that go some ha ha's but nothing that good. The headliner was some dude that has some tv credits. I could see him in the back of the bar just staring at me like "Get off the stage the people are here to see me" We were pretty short for time so when I saw that I basically packed it in and got off the stage. Give it a D. 3 people actually came up after and said I was funny. Who knows maybe I did ok, I didn't feel that way tho.

I did a lot of things wrong yesterday. First I'm too nice. I let way too many people on our lightening round and lost the audience. I didn't plan my set at all. I drank too much. I had no energy. Doing a bad set sucks, sucks even more when people came to see you. The shitty feeling of having a bad set sticks with you way longer than the joys of having a good set. I feel a little nervous/ stress about the show tomorrow. I wasn't able to promote that much because it's also the night of my x mas party, and work ppl r the majority of ppl I can get to my shows. I feel like telling them to just take me off. It's not like it will affect the show, hell I'm not even on the poster. Kinda funny I talked to the dude that mad ethe poster and he didn't even realize it. He's a nice guy and know he didn't do it on purpose, but to not even know I wasn't on there is kinda funny (probably not the word).

Anyways, just got booked for shows Jan 3 and 17. Both shows I have to promote, and will be hated for if I don't. One is for the dude that put me up first on the last show. I probably should just not do it, but I have to push myself. The other one is for a gal who is really nice. Says, she wants me on just for my humor, but everyone wants you to bring ppl. The thing about this one is the line up of people. One dude sings an entire song about basically raping women. When I started comedy that was the one subject I said I would never cover. You could talk about murdering someone and theyre wont be a dead person in the crowd. With a rape joke there could always be someone in the crowd. Rape in my mind is just as bad or maybe worse than killing someone. Do I really want to tell my friends to come watch a show with a comic like that?

Finally the lady. Well leave it at that.

Jokes: Siamese cats, old vadge, hand jobs, other bad jokes

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