Thursday, September 23, 2010

Compliments are awkward

So I did pretty well last night. Started off kinda awkward but crawled out nicely. Did a mixture of old and new jokes and was happy overall. It was one of the few sets where I wish I had more time. I did a slight amount of crowd work, but mostly jokes. The crowd was slightly older than I'm used to, but they were very receptive.

I got a lot of compliments from audience members and other comics. It's always weird when this happens. I feel I should say you too. But then it comes off like I'm just saying it cause they said it. But if I don't I feel like a dick. With the audience members I always try to say something to the tune of, "Good job laughing, or you were a great audience member." Goofy or whatnot. With comics, I usually just say thank you. Sometimes I'll mention if they did a new joke or whatnot. Last night one of the nicer comedy store regulars said I did well. He had to follow one of the better San Diego comics, who always does really well. After he complimented me, I said something to the tune of he had a tough time having to follow her. I hope he didn't take it the wrong way. I'm so bad at being serious and nice. For the most part I could care less if people think I'm a dick, but I'd hope to think nice/genuine people think I'm a good guy.

So although I'm happy with the jokes, I'm really disappointed with my promoting. I had 4 people show up. That's really terrible. I feel bad, as if we got a certain amount of people show up we'd get another spot on a later show. I could care less, but the gal I did the show with was looking forward to it. She brought the majority of the audience and deserved a better promoter to help her out. I'm not sure if I want to promote shows anymore. I don't have any scheduled next month, and I went turn it down but it's really frustrating to have no one show up. I took the job at Home Depot to help bring people to shows. And not one frigin person came. It's so rediculous. WTF is so important you can't see one show. My roommate I've been living with for 6 months finally came to a show last night. I could understand people not coming if I was bad or always did the same jokes. But I always mix it up and don't invite people to crappy shows.

Here's a video from a show I did awhile back. I felt I did better than the video shows, oh well.

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