Monday, September 6, 2010

Bad mood + poor expectations= Bad set

Well I had a pretty crappy set at the Blarney for the first time in awhile. It sucked as there was a good amount of people there. I told my friend to put my name down and kept faith he'd take care of it. He ended up not showing up on time, and I had to text the booker and I ended up going up 40 minutes after I should have. At the end of the day it is my job to be funny no matter the time I go up. But by the time I got up no one was listening. The dude that went before me had a decent amount of people there to see him, but it was probably his first maybe second time on stage and was awful. What made him so bad is that he wasn't speaking into the mic. This is so important at a bar, because if the person with the mic isn't loud enough the group feels it's there job to fill the silence. I got on stage and planned to do jokes, but was quickly blown off as I started with a simple who's drinking to which I got no response. So at this time I tried crowd work but as I had gone to a coworkers b day party I had about 5 shots of tequilla in about in hour. And this was counterbalanced with 2 16 oz. Rockstars. All this led to not being able to think of anything to respond nor did I really have a chance. At this point the crowd was lost. Another time which makes me wonder how Seinfeld would respond to such a room. If funny is funny, why wasn't I funny?

In the future I will not count on others to take care of things. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter it's just another show. But I did have a friend there, and it's always nice to do well when you have friends in the audience. Plus there was a good amount of people that if I could have done well who knows if I could have recruited them for other shows. Bombing is never fun, but I have bombed with my last 2 big, hostile crowds. Both in some way not my fault, but I have the mic, it's my job. Can't go around blamming others when the words are coming out of my mouth. The audience reaction, or lack there of, is in my hands.

I'm also trying to take hold of my drinking. I have curbed it a lot in the past 3 days. You might say didn't you just have 5 shots in an hour, yes but my tolerance at this point is rediculous. I don't drink for comfort I simply drink to sleep. The last couple nights, I basically sleep 3 hours, then wake up every 10 minutes. I dream nonstop about rediculous things and many have to deal with things 4 to 5 years ago. I'm not sure whether it's because my brain can't find happiness in the past 4 years, or if alcohol have erased my memory of the recent past.

I look at the unluckiness of my life. The luckiest day of my life, was when I won the $12500, when I got 1st in the online poker tournament. And today I'm pondering things, and it was around that date when my ex got engaged. Now I mentally can't even enjoy that day. Last week I lost $1300 in 5 hours playing poker. I was stone cold stober, played great for the most part, just getting unlucky over and over again. It's pathetic.

And now thinking about comedy. Last week I tried to judge at the Palace and there was probably 100 crowd members, I wasn't able to do it. This week if there is 20 audience members I will be shocked. There is 3 guys coming from L.A., two local guys that don't promote, and someone I've never heard before. It's so crazy how polar opposites one of my best comedy friends and I are. He's happy with life and everything seems to fall into his lap. I'm not jealous, I'm happy for the guy. I think slightly about the comedy contest. After helping count the ballots last week I realize you get 6 points for 1st. And while 4 of my friends couldn't get in due to not having their id's plus the 6 ballots that had to be tossed who knows where I'd been with 60 more points. At the end I was happy my friend won, but when will I catch a break. I finally meet a gal I'm attracted to and bond well with and she sends more mixed signals that a dislexic third base coach. Why am I bunting again, there's no one on base. Whatever I'm just going to try to get my life back on track, and maybe I'll catch a break.

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