Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy Winston's show

So we had upwards of 45 total comics on the bill for Friday. 10 were on the lightning round, 5 or so that didn't show up. A couple people on the regular list didn't show. There were a few people that I told to show up by 555 that were late. Luckily, we were ahead of schedule at the time so I put them up. Well turned out we i should have just skipped them I didn't end up having time to go up. A few people towards the end ran the light, and the lightning round went on way too long.

It's never easy for me to say no. I don't like having to bump people but I clearly state the people have to be there by 555 to get on. I realize the people that were late were due so because of work but they can still give me a heads up. One of the open mic guys brought a lot of people, and I believe the headliners each brought a decent amount of people. There was probably with comics and crowd nearly 100 people there. The problem when the numbers get so high is that the audience chatter gets louder and makes the comics work even harder. This type of crowd is made for high energy comics, with little to no thought put towards their jokes.

There was little controversy or drama to the show other than some people running the light, and a couple people just standing up there speaking nonsense. I really don't understand why some people do comedy. I realize it can be a hobby, but really are they a fan or torturing themselves and others. I chatted with one comic on the phone about the rivarly between female comics. I am friends with a lot of female comics and it seems like all of the have something to say about one another. I guess at the end of the day they are still females and they love gossip. Also, since there is a smaller amount of female comics there's usually only one, maybe two on each show. Also, due to numbers, it's easier to be labeled the best female San Diego comic, than the best male. I've spoke a lot previously who I thought was one of the best female comics. But sadly in the year I've seen her I don't think she's come up with any new jokes. She performs very rarely, and as I've spoke to her before she has become tired of her jokes and it can be seen in her delivery.

There was a comic that asked who people thought were the 5 best Sd comics. A few random people named me which is kind of cool to get the recognition. It seemed for the most part people named other comics they started with or who they've become friends with. Not really sure why he'd even post something like that other than to try to create drama, but more power to him. He also asked who people thought were the 5 worst, and for the most part just got silly answers. Anyone who would truthfully answered that clearly could care less about anything.

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