Wednesday I had a show at Bar Eleven. It's a small room but people do give it up if you're funny. My sis and her bf were there. I learned halfway through the night 2 guys got passed at the Comedy Store. They're 2 of the 3 people I brought to Maine, plus one's my good friend in comedy. I can't be mad at them, I'm happy for them. One of the guys told me he was told the two of them would be passed 6 months ago, and it took this long. I was pretty bummed as I thought I was really making process. I'm still on the open mic every week, but I'd like to be getting more than 3 minutes. What's funny is when I was starting I thought those 2 were the best. I think one of them has gotten better and better, and too be honest I think the other guy has gotten worse. He yells a lot and doesn't do the samrt jokes he did when he started. He gets on a lot of shows, and it just proves that being funny is such a small part of comedy progression.
Anyways my set went ok, from what I recall anyways. I got pretty drunk. I remember a lady yelling at me to stop talking to her and she didn't want to be part of my sketch. I also brought people on stage to take pictures with me. It was fun messing around.
Also got a facebook message from a dude saying he didn't like being put on lightning round and talking about all these places he's performed and people he's opened for. I said if you don't like it don't come back, you bring nothing to the show. He sent me video from last week and other shows, I was away from my computer and didn't respond. He called me a pussy white boy and threatened to fight me. Mind you he's 5' 1" tall. After a little more banter I told him what I have to deal with and all the comics trying to get on the show. He closes with well do it for the love, see you tomorrow, peace. Comics are crazy.
Thursday was the weirdest show I've ever done. I almost forgot about that show, how I don't remember. A dude I've done a few shows with who always seems to put me on his shows calls me at 5 for his 9 oclock show. He said he thought the show was on the 23 but it was the 13. He said round up some comics. I called the people I knew in the area and brought my parents there for their first San Diego show. I've done shows there before and it's always been terrible. Bad location and no crowd. We get there and there's just some people playing darts and beer pong. 0 people in the crowd. The host goes up does a little time, attempts to interact with my family. He gets off brings up the next guy. Mind you all the comics except 3 are people I told about the show. Oh yeah, he went on stage with the music still playing, there was no dj. Well there was no one working there other than the angry bartender. No one checking id's, nothing. So I go in the booth and turn down the music. Someone I imagine is just a regular comes into the booth and turns the music down and goes back to his beer pong game. Anyways the promoter buys us a shot. I go to the bathroom, come back and realize the first comic is still on stage. I look around and the promoter is gone. I decide to light the guy with my phone and bring up the next comic. I'd never seen him before I just saw him at the bar writing out his set on notebook paper. He goes up with his notebook paper and a coke bottle in hand. He's ranting about smoking pot etc for about 8 minutes and I try lighting him. He has no clue what that is. I keep trying. I light him again and he says, "Oh yeah, I should give them a chance to laugh." Wow. So then I walk on stage grab a drink on the back, come off, he's still talking. I then go on stage and walk around. He finally looks at me, with rage in his eyes, and says, "Can I help you sir?" I and everyone else laughs. I say you need to get off, we have a lot of people. He says I was never told I had time limits, I must have only done 5 minutes. When in reality it was over 10. I bring up the next guy, and he comes over to me and says, "Sorry man, I didn't even get a chance to get to my funny stuff." Wow! So the show continues, still no idea where the promoter is, I just run the dang thing. During my set I managed to get a guy to dance on the stripper pole and give a few female comics lap dances... Ya. So we wrap up the show, and I unplug the mic cause I knew the drunk navy people where going to try to use it. Of course the second I get off stage one of the gals gets on stage and starts talking into the mic I just unplugged. She says "It's broken, what's wrong, I can't find the on switch." Finally some dope tells her to plug it in and they start talking. We left soon after but I know more dudes were on the pole. It wasn't the worst show, cause he had fun with it. Oh, there was also a flyer for that night that claimed it was suppose to be a michael jackson tribute show. Do you dance, sing, act like the king of pop. My god, and on the bar's schedule it had micheal jackson show. Yes michael was spelt wrong. I get a message on my wall in the middle of another status saying it was the anniversary of his bro's death and wasn't feeling it. Ok, you could have told someone at least. Just wow!
Friday was Winston's headlining. I was pretty happy with the turnout. Kinda funny more people from work I didn't ask to show came, then people I did ask. There was probably 30-40 which for me is good. I pushed it pretty hard for me anyways. I felt myself slightly nervous before I went up. Not sure if it was because I had two redbulls or what. It was basically only the 2nd or 3rd time I got nervous. I know before the finals of the competition and maybe when I did the show in Maine. I don't recall being nervous then but I must have been. So the set went well. Pretty much one of the only times I felt I was doing really well at Winston's. I could still hear a fair amount of people talking but most of my punchlines hit. Had a few people tell me I did well. It was a nice combination of jokes and crowd work. It's great to do 30 minutes and feel like I could keep going. I'd say at this point I would feel comfortable doing possibly 45 minutes to an hour. There are still little quirks I need to work on, but I'm getting there.
Sunday I did the Comedy Store and Blarney. Store was a little shady, I'm working on a few new jokes and they were new joke quality. I'm somewhat trying to develop them on stage. I think they both are solid ideas so I'm going to keep working on them. Blarney went well, but I felt kinda bad after. There was a dude that clearly didn't want to be part of the show, nor was he doing anything and I kept talking to him. I don't like doing crowd work that is mean.
Last night was Winston's. It was pretty dead. Most people didn't promote and 2 of the comics were pretty late. I gave up their spots but they both showed up last minute, so I took one spot away from a dude and let the other guy on, so we had 9. Some of the people did ok. The first guy basically complained about not wanting to be there. I just don't get why some people do comedy.