Next up was the competition at Winston's. It was a decent crowd. Most of the people just laughed at their friend's. Basically 2 people brought the entire crowd. I made a little bit of money. I tried to record but the crowd wasn't having it and I just bailed on the set.
Last night was Bar Eleven. It's been pretty much hit or miss for the most part. Last night was definately miss. The show started off about a half hour late. Then the stoner, unorganized host. He is pretty much the definition of new comic that think running a show is getting free drinks and winging it. He literally said I didn't really put the show together tonight. And then closed the show with saying "we need to try to get people here." Might help if you advertise or at least book the show in advance you lunatic. There was aggressive heckling for the first comic, but that guy left and it was slow going after that. The host did way too much time between comics, but as he only does that one show, and has done maybe 25 shows in his life he has no idea what he's doing. There was a black comic that went up for the first time. He must have said the n word 25 times, and talked about farting during sex, etc. It was awful to watch, but of course people love that. Anyways I got up, pretty late but managed to get through the entire set swearfree. I heard someone yell something, which I believe was Hedberg during my smokey the bear joke. It made me recall a smokey the bear joke mitch hedberg told. Mine is completely different, but he does say england uses smackie the frog. I say slappy the frog, Im just going to change it to smacky the clam. First time I've ever been called out on taking other's jokes. Interesting it would happen at a dive bar. I'm happy I made it through clean, and have 4 more chance to record a clean solid tape I'm happy with. I think this is a good experience. It is helping with segways, and making the jokes even better.
Side note: I just listened to the tape. The dude did yell Hedberg. The dude was a "comic" who went up last night talked about beating up a person in a wheelchair. I'm somewhat angered now.
Here is the poster for the show on Thursday. Just got a call that there will be no booze served at the place.... Awesome. I'm not expecting much for the show.

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