Saturday, March 26, 2011

Winston's and Comedy Store

Had a very successful week. The contest went well. Decent amount of people, and made some money. I was getting worried that it wouldn't build up, but there was a good turn out on the last one. I had one of my buddies judge and he wasn't the best at it. It's not an easy thing to be supportive and funny, and helpful. I think I've figured it out. I tried a few new jokes, with mixed reactions. I brought my roomie up and we did the gag that it was his first time on stage. It went surpringly well.

Wednesday I found out the bar show that I pretty much got banned from is no more. I am happy, and think maybe some of these guys will get a clue that running a show isn't that easy, and there's no reason to have an ego.

Thursday I did the Comedy Store. It was pretty full, before the 2 black comics and their posse showed up with a party bus. The guy told me at first they were going to have 2 party buses. But there was only one and it wasn't that packed. Like all their shows it wasn't easy. I noticed I was going up a little later so I decided to grab a shot to take a little bit of the edge off. I had a beer while I was there and I think it helped. I tried to do jokes but there was a lot more crowd interaction. I was pretty happy with the performance and had a few comics say I did well. Oh and a very hot lady who heckled me a bit, talked to me after. Obviously has a bf, but she was sooo hot.

Friday was Winston's. There was a dude that went up for the first time that brought a decent amount of people. Typical "I've never been to a show" crowd. They didn't heckle but they were talking more and more, esp. when more of them showed up. I stalled as long as I could to put him up, but I could tell his friends were getting restless. The crowd was tough, definately not a time to work out material. I saw some very funny people really struggle up there. I did a mixture of crowd/ dj interaction and jokes. Starting off chatting with people and that opened up the room a little bit. They didn't give it up easily, but I definately found some solid stuff I can keep working on. An "ex" was there with her new flame. He seemed kinda tooley, but I'm happy she found someone. She's kinda crazy.

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