Sunday, May 15, 2011

Too busy to blog

Well I've been somewhat ignoring the blog lately not really sure why. I guess I haven't had any major shows or things to rant about. Somewhat overview on how things have been going. I did a show at a theater in Carlsbad May 5. It was a weird vibe. Always different when it's an all ages show and there are kids sitting with their parents in the front row. I opened up with talking about the host. Who has done some soft core porn, and isn't the best comedian. He is kind of a strange character. Really excited about the show, but not really focusing on his jokes. He did about 15 minutes after the headliner did 40 minutes or so. It was kind of strange. My set went ok, I started off with crowd work which is never a good idea, as it's tough to getthe audience to respect you as a comedian, and listen to your jokes. I didn't think I did great, but he invited me back. It's kind of a long drive, so I told him I'd like to be compensated with a little bit of money. He said he worked in a marijuana dispensary, and asked if I'd take that as payment. I agreed, not sure why. Mostly cause he got my roommate on the show as well, so that's cool.

Friday was Winston's. I coheadlined with a gal from the radio. She's come a long way as a comedian. She's nice, and quite attractive so she has that going for her. My set went pretty ok. I stumbled over my words a few times, and found myself speaking a little too quickly at times, but overall solid for the crowd I was dealing with.

Monday was the contest. There was such a weird vibe in the room. I don't know if it was because the comics were so bad, or the audience was terrible, but I just couldn't get into the show. One of the female comics was quite attractive, and all her fans were other dudes. Not sure why she wants to do comedy. MOstly spoke about sex and how dirty she was. Clearly she wasn't hugged enough. Another girl was less attractive and talked about having sex on her period, and it was so disgusting. I had to block my ears. Little offends me but that was awful. My set was terrible to start, I did some Jesus jokes I hadn't done in forever and they tanked like they used to.

Wednesday was Bar 11. There were people there, but most of them were drunk and annoying. I struggled through and got some chuckled here and there. Had some people say I was funny and shook my hand which is always nice.

Thursday we drove up to Bakersfield. I wasn't expecting much from this show, just a long car ride, cracking jokes with comedy buds. There was an older comic that rode up with us, who I could tell was somewhat getting annoyed with us bantering so much. He was cool about it, but he just felt like he couldn't contribute. It was about a 4 hour drive. Once we got there, it was much bigger than I expected. I was thinking dive bars and tumbleweeds. Also on the way up, a girlfriend of a comic that's seen me a few times said, "You are a very sexist comic. I don't think you realize it, but a lot of your jokes demean women." It was somewhat surprising. I started to think which jokes she was talking about. I guess I have some jokes that put women down, but theyre jokes.... We walked around a little while than drank some booze in the car before the show. I was a little worried about my set as the first few people struggled a little bit. The crowd was half there for comedy, half there for the cover band after. I started off by interacting with the crowd a little bit. I think I did pretty well. Had a few people come up to me after, and the other comics said I did well. The comic after me said I was tough to follow which is also nice. He told comics the next day I killed, which I found humbling. I got a little drunk after the show. Didn't do anything stupid, but I'd prefer the public not seeing that side of me.

Friday at Winston's was pretty terrible. I booked a guy who is awful, but can bring people. He claimed he was going to pack the place, and brought maybe 5 people. It was pathetic. My set went pretty terrible. My solid jokes went well, but anything off the A was crap.

Saturday I did a show at a church for recovering addicts and their families. I did around 15 minutes clean. I made it through, but definately felt restricted. There is little to talk about without cursing or alcohol. I felt like I did ok, and had a few compliments. Some from pretty girls which is best.

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