Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don't insult a stranger

Had a couple rougher shows last night, but first want to speak about the Sunday incident. I wasn't going to say anything else about it, but I was told the host was "spitting the truth." Aka being a drunk douche and placing himself in the lunatic comic category. I guess he got on stage after we left, saying he was mad people don't take his show seriously, don't do jokes, and take advantage of the stage time he offers them. Might I mention he is angry people are not taking his show serious while A. Being drunk, B. Wearing a top hot and mayor's sash, and C. Generally giving people terrible intros. The show is suppose to start at 9:30, but normally begins at 10. He places the list down when he arrives, usually late, let's people do as much time as they want, let's people heckle and warns comics that people in the crowd may fight. Really you want a comic to take your show seriously? Put some effort into producing of the show, and maybe people will take it seriously. I did enjoy doing the room, but the last two weeks have been pretty terrible. I think changed my approach to comedy, and got more comfortable and free flowing on stage from doing the room. But if he wants comics to do jokes out front of 4 people and 16 comics he's crazy.

Well last night I performed at a show downtown to a crowd of people eating all you can eat crab. It was a fine establishment, with people dressed nice and many possibly on cocaine. My main focus was to just plow through the jokes unless provoked. No one said anything until the very end, so I did my jokes. I started off pretty good, but lost some steam towards the end. That is a problem I have still. If a joke doesn't go well my engergy and delivery kind of dies down. It's been awhile since that's happened but it's still something I need to work on. I had 10 minutes or so. And hit the wall around the 7 minute mark I'd guess. It felt like I was up there for awhile and had troubling remembering my jokes. I did some older jokes, but to think I have over an hour of jokes and couldn't think of 10 minutes worth that I want to do is sad. I'd say I did ok considering.

Next up I did a bar show in Pb. It was dead compared to the last time I did it. Maybe 15 or so people. Had no set planned but wanted to try some jokes and see what happened. I ended up bantering with some people and even had a dude buy me a shot while I was on stage. I also had some dude high five me and ask if I wanted to take a shot with them, which never happened but I didn't persue drinking with a table of dudes to heavily. I then sat around and watched the rest of the show. There was a couple black comics after me, one who got second in the comedy competition finals. Typical black comedy, ball shaving and tough being black etc. Next black comic same stuff. There was an established white comic from L.A. after that, I had no idea what he was talking about. I think he may have been on drugs as he just ran off stage when he was done. Last up was the headliner, black dude, who constantly acted like he was too good to be on the show. Didn't really hear him tell many jokes. When I walked over to say bye to the host he goes "Oh that's the comic, don't quit you day job." I said thanks, and says "See you at Best Buy." We left. Not sure what his point of doing this. I've talked about it before being a dick is never a way to win over the crowd. It did bother me a bit, as it was so out of left field. But in the end it means nothing, as I'll never see him or any of those people again.

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