Monday, June 14, 2010

Long, roller coaster day

Well had one of the longest days of my life yesterday. Worked from 9-6 at the depot then gym then went north to a poker room and played poker. I was doing pretty well, not getting many hands but maximizing value. I was up probably 500$ or so. I was waiting for a big hand as there were 3 guys there that were drunk, bad, and spewing money. I didn't get anything, finally after 5 hours I had my chance. It wasn't against the drunks but against the dude that played super tight and I knew if I could hit something bi he'd overplay his hand. Well here it was I turned a flush put him all in, he called with one pair, and of course hit a fourth diamond to give him a higher flush. This was a 600$ pot that if he doesn't hit his 9 outer I win. I'm pissed but hope I'll still get a chance to bust the drunk tards. Welp 10 minutes later they leave. So instead of booking a 800$ win, I leave up around 250$. It's around 2 AM and I have a meeting at 5. I toss and turn, sleep basically none and head to the meeting.
Meeting of course is a huge waste of time. We sit around and act excited and sad that the store is only making 200K a day but were not on plan. I did get an award so it was cool to get recognized. I then stumbled around to different classes for stuff I'll never remember. After that I tried to sleep for an hour before my friend picked me up to go back to the same casino. We played low stakes for a little bit and pissed some people off. I lost around 100$ in 2 hours or so playing like an idiot cuz the stakes are so little.
We then bought into the tournament. He got knocked out early but I made it down to 12. I played for 4 hours and got knocked out 12 for no money. Awesome. The worst part about it the knock out hand. I had AK and then guy that knocked me out had aces. So lame as the guy went all in the last 3 hands.
I then went home and tried to get a few hours of sleep before my show at 8. I get a call from the promoter at 7 asking if I promoted. I told him somewhat, meaning I told a few people I knew wouldn't come. I get there a few minutes late only to see 2 people in the audience and getting told the show was cancelled. Awesome way to waste my time and make me look like a jackass. I hung out for awhile then went home. My buddy met me there. We drank an adult beverage then headed over to a bar show. I kinda wanted to go up. This is rare for me.
We get there and it's the typical bar audience. Mostly comics and the occaional drunk person. I did a few things that were possibly frowned upon. I walked on stage and acted like I was texting during a few comics sets and even got up and mimmed during another. Looking back it's probably kinda "look at me" douchey, who knows. I then got on stage and tried to do something new, well that turned into having some banter with a crowd member. It went on for a few minutes until the booker basically told me to stop. I didn't really feel like doing a set after that considering I knew the guy was going to keep talking and I wouldn't be allowed to say anything back. I got off and hung around a little more, the show was interesting. A bouncer and promoter apologized for telling me to stop but I understand they need to please the crowd.
I left and decided to play a little online poker. Great idea. I then lost another 350$. So after 36 hours of being up. I went from possibly up 1000$ and doing 2 comedy shows. To down 350$ and making an ass of myself at one bar show. Lifes grand...

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