Saturday, June 5, 2010

Back from Vegas

Well I took a quick trip to Vegas to...well celebrate my big loss. We drove out Tuesday night around 8. I drank a large coffee on the way there, then we stopped half way at a gas station and I bought a couple Monster energy drinks. I rarely drink coffee and never drink those energy drinks. I drank one pretty quickly, then sipped the other one. After about an hour I felt a tingling in my left arm and tension around my heart. Whether I was having a minor heart attack or not I will never know but I definately stayed up a long time. We got there and walked around a little bit. My friend had never been there so it's always exciting to go with someone that had never been. After a little bit we went to a casino and played poker. He isn't that experienced and played pretty poorly. He lost his money and then walked around a little while. I was pretty card dead but played until 10 AM in the morning. I fell asleep around noon and woke up about 3 PM to go lay by the pool. While I'm there I got an interesting call. A show promoter I used to do shows with, who basically never invited me to shows and never found me funny called me. Conversation goes, "Hey Jeff just calling to congradulate for winning San Diego's funniest person contest...." Me "Umm that was Billy" Him: "Oh well Billy's a great comedian, I wonder why I thought you won, well did you place." Me: " Ya I got 4th" I said this for a few reasons, 1. There were some ballots that had only my named checked, which is not filled out correctly and were thrown out 2. more importantly the dude that got 4th is a hack and this promoter "boy" he's on all there shows and I knew if I said I got 4th it would get back to him, and it would mess with there minds. do I care he beat me, at the time yes, now i realize really only 1st matters. plus it's comics that mostly books shows and everyone knows he's a hack. i will keep doing my thing and my break will come. Well the 4th place dude sent me a message yesterday asked if i told the promoter i got 4th. Plan a success. I won't be responding, oh and he also updated his status saying "voted sand diego's funniest person" What a tool. Esp. considering the dude got 4th when i was 1st in the semi's. Not going to continue into it, just amuses me. Will update if anything else happens.

Anyways Winston's show was decent. Small but supportive crowd. I didn't really feel like doing a set, but I did do a few of the features jokes before brining him on. It was fun. I like doing that stuff as it mixes up telling the same jokes. The dude I run the show with even said you looked happier doing those jokes then your own, and it's probably true. We talked about it after. It's so much easier telling other people's jokes as there is no pressure if they fail. I could never actaully hack jokes, but it's fun to change it up. I convinced the guy to do a reverse show next fun, I think it will be fun and be different.

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