Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tour complete

Well the tour is over. I am now sitting on a plane reflecting it all. I’m actually sitting next to a bitter old women that didn’t want the complimentary drink or snacks. I asked if she could get it and give it to me, which she replied, “No thanks.” She also has her sandles off and her disgusting snaggle toes are resting on the wall. There should be a law against exposed feet. I’d much rather legalize topless women at beaches and ban old broads from being able to show off their nasty vainey toes. Every peanut I ate tasted like I was eating her toes nails.
Anyways the tour. Last night was rough. It was the first time I really found myself sweating on stage and stretching for laughs. I had planned to do 30, but once I got to the venue I didn’t plan to do much more than 20. I ended up doing closer to 18. The place was really small, and not really a good spot for comedy. The kids were listening but it was tough to get them to laugh. A lot of them were there just so they got credit for attending the event. 4 people in the back actually said “Finally we can get out of this shit hole.”
It was basically like telling jokes in a classroom as these kids never have been to a comedy club. Basic things like, “how are you feeling tonight,” “we’re good thank you sir.” No applause or cheering. They really had no energy. All the lights were on and you can see all the faces not laughing. I had forgot my camera at the hotel room. At first I was sad, but once I got there I knew I wouldn’t have gotten much of a tape anyways.
About half way through my set I gave up on the set material and tried to do crowd work. This worked out much better. I need to do this more often. I just figured with getting paid so much I should bring the jokes. At the end of the day my job is to entertain. I need to be able to adjust on the fly. I’ll give that set a C-.
I would definitely rate the tour a success. It was great getting to know the guys on a different level. I’m anxious to see how this will affect our friendships moving forward. There is talk of doing a show in Texas, and working on recording a professional tape to pass out to colleges and clubs. I think we all approach comedy different, but we have a connection now. Comedy has to be taken one step at a time, and I think this trip was a step in the right direction.

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