Thursday, March 11, 2010


Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will crush your soul. So had a show when we got off the plane last night. Going in I was pretty sure it was going to be rough. Getting there I knew it was going to be awful. I had done comedy there before. It is just not set up for comedy. It's much too large and the lighting is terrible.

I went up second and basically winged it. I had no set planned or set list. Just went up there and tried to be funny. I did ok considering the circumstances. When you're on stage and are able to see the crowd, all your eyes pick up is the people not laughing. It's good to make a few people chuckle, but last night there was a 60 year old lady just staring down the comics. Not a smile, a smurk, nothing. She was so out of place, but she was there for the blues band after. It interests me how some people can hate comedy so much. I admit I rarely laugh, and that is why I either sit in the back or go outside. We all told our jokes and got the f out of there. One dude said we did well and that's all I can ask for.

Well onto the title of the post. I knew I didn't do that well at the college show. My dad said after, "what was wrong with you." When I asked my sister about the show she said, "we've had worse." Clearly I know I stumbled over my words and was kind of nervous. Smaller crowds that aren't very receptive make me more nervous then doing big crowds. With me doing new jokes and different jokes so often I am not comfortabble with a lot of my material. Since I was young I kind of had trouble flubbing up my words. My brain is always working so on occasion I'll combine two words at once and I'll sound like a moron. I did this a few times at NEC, I even screwed up one of my staple jokes at the Gold Room. Anyways. Some girl posted on Billy's wall that he was the best. It doesn't really bother me, he will always do better than me with a dumb crowd. Not a shot at him, we simply have a different style of jokes. Anyways, I reply to the post saying, "A little of me died inside." Totally joking, she responds, "Sorry, you couldn't even talk, too many drinks." Well considering I had 2 beers, that was not the case. She doesn't understand the mind of a comic and how much that truly hurt. Also my sister tells me there's some kind of controvery about our show, someone recorded the show, and they feel they need to screen comics better. I'd like to get to the bottom of it, and figure what that is about. Anyways, not really feeling that great about comedy at the moment. Sad as I should feel accomplished with what we did, but it's the total opposite.

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