Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fuck comedy politics....

Seriously getting so tired of the politics of comedy. I've never been the suck up type. I don't like guys for the most part. I can't stand arrogance. That's all you see and feel in a comedy club filled with "comics."

I tried to get on the alternates list for the Comedy Store tonight. Welp the dude that picked me up was late and I was last on the list. I didn't get on. So crazy I did 20 minutes out front of people that hated me and made 1000$ a week ago, and now I can't even get 3 fucking minutes.

After the open mic is San Diego's best show. Use best very loosely. The guy that opens the show is the same dude every week, same fricking jokes. He actaully stole a joke that Carlos Mencia stole from Ari Shaffear (sp?). All the guys on the show arn't really that funny. I found out as I was leaving that a comic that started about 6 months after me will be joining the staff. He's a funny guy, but he hasn't been doing it as long as me nor is he better than me. But he sucks up and is there every night. Clearly he's more dedicated than me. Is being funny ever going to mean anything? Honestly. I know I'm not the funniest comic, but given the right opportunity I will be solid.

I'm way too nice at Winston's. I always give people time. I even gave up my own time the other night so a new comic could tell jokes. I'm going to start being a sleezy dick from now on. I guess you have to be a person that only cares about themselves to make it in comedy.

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