Sunday, March 22, 2015

Working/ performing at the Store

Well I worked a weekend at the Comedy Store for the first time in nearly a year and a half. It wasn't quite as bad as I remember, but it is a long time to be there. I could do it now and again, but could never go back to every week. I'm kinda ok again with the manager so that makes things a little easier. He asked me to open the first show. I was excited but the crowd was much older than the normal Wednesday/ Thursday crowd. Opening can always be tough, but at 7 PM, when it's still light out can be even more difficult. I just couldn't gain any real momentum. I went to my closer before even getting the light to salvage a mediocre set. That got a decent response, but nothing great. I went to another normally solid bit to close and it was meh. A lot of the back of the crowd was talking and settling in. I could have addressed it, but it really wouldn't come off well and would hinder the show. The front of the room seemed to be enjoying it, and I can take solice in that. I overheard an older man say either the first comic was "on it" or "awful," I said good night to gauge what he said. He didn't say anything, so I must assume he said awful. Oh well. I lobbied to do the second show as well, as they were much younger and ended up being a much better crowd. I chatted with the feature a bit. He was only 25. He said he doesn't get up at the LA Store but the headliner got him on. I'm starting realize how important surrounding yourself with a core group of funny friends is. So many opportunities are basically word of mouth these days. Everyone has a video and a website, clubs are getting emails, calls, etc. from so many comics they likely just check out. From what I've seen locally comedy club managers are pretty lazy and unorganized, so it likely isn't just a San Diego thing. It takes a certain skill set to run a comedy club. Dealing with all the ego's and lunatics. But their is also a certain power they must feel with the knowledge they can control people's stage time and making a living.

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