Saturday, March 21, 2015

Winston's headlining spot

Well this was an interesting set. There was a good amount of people. Everyone kept coming up to me, saying great crowd. I'd respond, it's a big crowd, doesn't always translate to a great crowd. When I got there, people were starting to file in. They were not the typical Winston's crowd. They were mostly there to see the features. Who were a little older female comics. Whatever, a crowd is a crowd. I wasn't sure how my set was going to go, but I knew I'd make a few bucks. Most of the comics were having a tough time relating to the crowd. They were somewhat sensitive, and their default was to say "ahh" or "oooohh." One of the comics kind of opened them up with crowd work, then the next two comics did pretty well. The first feature did ok. He's always a wild card as he can sometimes, well always, be misogenistic. He has gotten a little better about it, and can get some laughs. The next feature was who most of the crowd came to see. She did well. The next feature did ok, and it was then me. I wasn't really stressing, because I knew either way I'd make a few bucks, but I had written out a long set list of newish jokes. I kinda abandoned that set, but did do some new jokes and closed with an brand new joke I thought of that day. I kinda wish I would have filmed it. I had some good riffs and I think the crowd, which by no way was my ideal crowd enjoyed it. Still in a good place with comedy, and last night reminded me of that.

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