Sunday, December 2, 2012

Slight mental lapse

Thursday was the Store. I went up 2nd. It was a weird crowd. There was a black guy that was the show promoter. He sat in the back. There was a group of about 8 black guys that I tried to sit in the middle of the crowd. They sat down for a bit, then went to the back to sit with their comic friend. It made it for a divided crowd. They weren't laughing much at set up punch line jokes. I adjusted rather quickly and had a pretty solid set. One comic went after me and just destroyed this one woman who was just drunk and trying to be a part of the show. She wasn't really that bad and he tore into her. The comics were dying laughing and they let him go for as long as he wanted. I felt it really ruined the show for comics after him. Everyone in charge there has no sense of comedy. Friday was Winston's. It was raining which always effects the amount of people that attend the show. One of the headliners told me earlier in the week that she wouldn't be there. The other headliner pretty much shit on the show for 12 minutes. I still paid him $50, oh well. I went up with Jesse for my set. We did about 12 minutes. It was fun, just sucked one of the mics kept cutting in and out. After the show we went to the Harp and I smoked a little bit. I remember not being too drunk and having a very good time. I ended up getting too drunk as I often do. I went over to Hugo's but when he went to bed I stumbled back over to the ex's. Stupid stupid decision. I called her a few times, then stumbled to my car to sleep in there. I forgot my glasses at Hugo's so when I woke up in the morning I walked back to his house to sleep a bit. I'm still day drinking, it's pathetic. Luckily I have some things to keep me busy this week, work tomorrow, meeting Tuesday, etc. Saturdays Store shows were night and day. The first crowd was amazing, everyone did great. The 2nd show was the drunkest group of people I've seen in a long time. Most of them should not have been let in. I kept telling people to be quiet but they kept on talking. I was prepared to get a verbal lashing at the end of the night, but luckily that didn't happen. That was the worst I've seen it be. The headliner told us to let them chat, but if it was too much he'd tell us to throw them out. We threw out about 4 groups of people. A couple just left and sat in the lobby after complaining about people talking. I was pretty defenseless as I told the manager we need to throw people out and he didn't follow up.

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