Monday, December 6, 2010

Two open mics with jokes

Did a few small shows. First Comedy Store. Was one of the smaller crowds I've seen there in awhile. There was a wide array of zanny comics on. One guy yelled at everyone, another guy danced with his feet, and one girl brought most of the crowd but displayed the worst 3 minutes I've ever watched. She covered her face in a beard, wore a jock strap, talked about hacky stuff. It was truly a train wreck. I don't get why everyone wants to try a gimmick and think comedy is easy. Anyways I got up there tried a few jokes that went subpar. Ended with announcing an upcoming show I have which was probably the only thing that hit. I tried chatting with the crowd with no response. Funny cause I went to the gym and came back, and the guy I tried to chat with said nothing to me, but must have had some booze in him cause he was chatting it up later in the show. Before I left I tried to chat it up with one of the dudes that guilted me off his show. As I'm approaching, I hear him inviting another lunatic comic. Ok then. I'm really thinking my comments on facebook has really affected me getting on shows. Comics are pathetic.

Next up was Blarney. I was pretty tired as I didn't get much sleep the night before, and worked all day. I was feeling a slight throat problem, but have been putting away the water, and think it's going away slowly. I usually have an engergy booze before I go to the show, but as they've been banned in S.D. I tried something else that did nothing. There was very few people. Maybe 10 noncomedians, with only 5 sitting in the front. There were a few comics that sat right in the front. Not sure why they'd do that. Most don't laugh and are just playing with their phones. I followed the dude I tried to talk to earlier. He went into this crazy character that he does on occasion thats just a rip off of someone else's joke. He even admits it. He went onto tell some jokes, then made a comment about me being bitter or something. Completely unwarranted and got zero laughs. My set was pretty low energy, but I stuck with my plan of doing jokes. Some went well, it's tough to gauge from such a small sample size, but I think some are solid. I was happy I did the jokes. I need to keep doing that.

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