Thursday, November 18, 2010

Logical questioning

Had a couple shows at the Palace the last 2 nights. First was the open mic. It's kind of a cluster f word. Lotta a random lonely comics. It's kinda a free for all. They have a regular list, then an alternates list. I normally don't even bother signing up for the regular list as the host lets me and many others just pop in. This week I was on the regular list towards the bottom. I checked in with the host who was just filling in. He said, "you want to go up sooner." Sure. Can't complain with getting special treatment, but can't say I totally agree with it. I gave the guy that makes the list some suggestions on how to improve the show. Didn't seem like he was going to implement them. Can't really blame him, he does all this work for the Palace and gets little in return. My set went ok. I worked for 45 minutes on one 3 minute joke at the gym before heading over there. I tried it out and it went ok. I got booed for one horse joke I made. That's kinda funny, that she was offended by a joke.

Last night I was at the Palace again for a show that called itself Uncensored comedy. They brought in a comic from L.A. is quite blue and perverted. I watched a video he had from the Montreal Comedy Festival. Not my style of comedy. I guess I don't understand why a groin makes for a good joke. I can go up there and talk about banging midgets and putting my balls on babies heads. Is that really comedy. My set was somewhat dreadful. Had some friends there. They were sat right in the front row and weren't happy about it. I told them it would be fine if they move. The door guy made them go back to the front!? They were also charged 3.75 for a water. My first joke was questioned as some guys said they wouldnt turn their friends in for $1 million. SO rediculous for people to honestly say that. Even my solid jokes weren't recieved that well.

The crowd loved dumb jokes about boobs, being asian, black, and having std's. Shows like that make me question if I'll ever make it in comedy. I don't want to yell, jump around, and talk about the struggle of being white. These 2 guys at the palace do the same god damn hacky minority jokes every time they get on stage and crowds eat the shit up. It's so depressing. Oh you like boobs, who the fuck doesn't. Oh you shouldn't say the n word around your black friend, no shit. Audience wake up, you could write that joke. Awful.

Also this week the Rockstar comedy competition concluded. And while I believe once again the funniest person won I don't trust the results. In the finals last time, I think the funniest guy won, but he didn't have the greatest set that night and he didn't bring that many audience members. I wasn't at this last one but I know the guy that came in second brought a lot of people and had a good set. The guy that won had maybe 7 people in the audience. The results are suppose to be 75% crowd and 25% judges vote. I know in the last one neither judge voted for me. And I finished 5th. I didn't have my best set but I did have 25 plus people there. I really question this result. With first place votes being 6 points, and one guy bringing probably half the crowd I don't know how mathmatically he doesn't win. Maybe his friends didn't vote him first, but honestly, how does a guy with 7 people win. I realize the winner really gets nothing, other than the title, and $1000 but it is a cool title. These contests are cheap ploys to make the club money on what would normally be an off night, but this result just makes me wonder.

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