Wednesday, July 28, 2010

7 people laughed

So I tried to get up at Moondoggies, but the booker said they were full. I decided to hit up the Wit's End. It's a tiny spot, with what I thought was mostly music. I mean the main reason I went was to hang out with the old gal. And in the end we had maybe 10 minutes of chatting. It was good seeing her, but it was good closure knowing how different we are.

Anyways, when I got there, there was one other comic. He said he wasn't even sure he was gonna go up. I knew another female comic was going. She used to do comedy a little bit, but not much. She's booked for a couple shows this week so she was trying to work on some jokes. She's kinda cute, and although she does have some talent sadly it's her looks that get her booked on those shows. Also, there was another female comic there. She was just there supporting her friend playing music. I've talked about her before, she is one the best San Diego comics, but she's taking some time off and think she's lost some of her edge. It's very important to just keep plugging away.

I was surprised how many comics ended up showing up. I was the first comic up and followed about 5 musicians who did 10 to 20 minutes each. In the end there was about 15 comics there. My set went pretty good considering the small amount of people. I did a mixture of jokes and slight crowd work. I only aknowledged crowd members when they said something, I didn't pick out people. I was happy with how it went. Tried some newer jokes, and worked on older ones.

There was a comic that went up a little while after me. He didn't really tell jokes kind of ranted about his life. It's good to do that but he went on and on. There was about 10 comics still waiting to go on, and he didn't seem to care he was doing as much time as he wanted. Finally after probably 15 minutes the bartender reminded him that there were still a lot of people waiting. I don't know how comics or any other entertainer can stay on stage when they're dying. If they are getting paid it's one thing, but to stay on stage just for selfish "I deserve the time" reasoning is silly. Share the wealth.

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