Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Comedy is not easy

Wow crazy night. My set went pretty well, I'd say B+. The crowd seemed easy, but a crowd can turn and be tough at the drop of a hat. The promoter of the show went up after a comic that brought the most ppl and didn't have the set he had hoped for. After him was a comic that isn't that great. He didn't do very good at all. I've seen him before, he's just not that great. He left the stage and basically broke into tears. I felt bad for him. Comedy is tough, some nights you feel at the top of the world, the next it's the pits.
Tonight was a good show, and I got paid for the first time ever. They collected tips and we split them. I made 5$!!! The host asked me to come back which is a good sign. I do wonder how'd I would have done in the later spots. It's just so crazy how one night you can say a joke and it gets an awesome response, and the next night you get nothing.

Observation of the day: Why is a hair you find in the shower so disgusting?

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