Thursday, January 28, 2010

Couple shows in the books

Got a call on Monday from an unknown number. I'm not one of those douchebags that doesn't answer just cuz I don't know the number so I picked up. It was a comic that has been around the scene a little while. Tried making it in L.A., has done some college tours, even performed for the troops in Iraq. He is the staple comic with a solid 20 to 30 minutes, but is very hesitant to stray from that. Anyways he called me to ask if I would be on a show he was putting on. It was a graduation show for his students. He said "I'm putting you on because I think you're funny." It was cool to hear him say that. At first I felt cool, then I noticed that there was another show going on that night that had a lot of talented comics on it, so who knows how many people he asked before me. He did talk to me a few nights later complimenting me, saying that it's pretty amazing how good me and the 3 other dudes I'm taking on the east coast thing have gotten in so little time. I'll stop being negative nancy and take the compliment.

He teaches a stand up comedy class. I never took one, and not sure how much it would help when a comic is just starting. In the Seinfeld moie about stand up he has the quote "If I was to speak at a comedy class convention I would say, "Just get up there and do it!" It makes a lot of sense. What is funny in conversation doesn't always transisition to funny on stage and vice versa. I'd be interested to take a class now. I think it may help writing new material. But you can't force writing. When I started I used to do so much new stuff, a lot of which I never do anymore. I'm trying to cycle some of those jokes back in. Anyways onto the shows.

First spot I'd done on Mondays where they have an open mic which is mostly musicians and the show is all clean. I didn't plan out my set. I don't know why I do this, it never really works out well. I can never remember my jokes, it's pretty pathetic. I have almost an hour of jokes and I can't remember 10 freakin minutes. It was an up and down show. When I had good jokes they laughed, when I stumbled they weren't forgiving. I had some people say I did well so that's all i can ask for.

Second show. I promoted a little bit. Had about 10 people show up. That's good. I can't expect 50 ppl at every show. I really appreciate when people come. I don't understand why people say theyre going to show and then don't. I did a lot of different jokes, even some new jokes. The crowd was kind of tough, but they were paying attention. It was basically the same as the first show, when you were funny they gave you respect, when you weren't they were tough. I made it through without doing any of my staple jokes. I felt pretty good, ppl enjoyed it. I'm going to try to be happy.

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