Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New spots

Sunday I did the Comedy Palace. I assumed I was going to get more time than I get at the Store. I was hoping 15 to 20, it ended up being only 10. Oh well. The crowd actually seemed pretty supportive. Which was surprising because the Palace normally blows. Plus the comics on the show weren't used to doing promoted, non open mic shows. They were very risky and edgy. Not that I work clean but I don't take the easy way out. I told one of the comics who didn't get a response by saying, "I don't think Mexicans are real." He didn't know why it didn't get a response and also didn't think it was racist. I tried to let him know that he has to have a separate set of jokes for promoted shows and open mics. Open mics are made for more edgy, shocking material. Don't get me wrong, most crowds are stupid and like sex jokes. But, the key is to know where to draw the line. I ripped on the comics when I opened saying there was a lot of women hating material, and did my joke about hating hand jobs. One of the comics mentioned I did this joke. I came back with, this isn't a women hating joke. No one likes hand jobs. It's boring. The guy I followed ended basically by saying a Mexican with a mustache was gay, and then went into asking if he was a landscaper. To which the guy retorted, "Are you a faggot?" Nice to have to go up after that. My set was pretty solid. I was happy with it. Not everything hit, but I can't complain overall. Monday I tried to get a spot at Lestat's but my name was drawn pretty close to last. Tuesday I worked at the Store. It was a bringer show, so I didn't get to go up. The show started a half hour late because there was no one there at 8. They almost cancelled the show. They would have if there wasn't 10 people by 8. There was 8, but 2 showed up right at 8. There ended up being a decent crowd, 40 or so. The host opened by doing 20 plus minutes. Made some lame excuse saying, "I've been waiting for the light." To which I ran and turned it on. The security head told me I shouldn't have done that because there's no sense giving him that satisfaction when he never asked for a light. It makes sense. There is a headliner that is all there shows and is just god awful. He does have smarter material than one of the comics that yelled about teeth and ran the light by 4 minutes. Overall though he is the worst, and the fact he's the headliner is just pathetic.

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