Friday, March 30, 2012

All over the place

Winston's was moderately busy. I think there was a few people that just walked in from the street which is a cool thing. I'm starting to worry to see if the crowds are going to start rolling in. Not sure if Wednesdays are better than Mondays, but we'll see once the finals roll around. Anyways the show was solid in my opinion. A few of the comics did really well, and I think the voting showed who did the best.

After Winston's I drove up to the Store. I normally don't do Wednesdays because it's a long drive, but I'm working the overnights at the radio station, so I figured I'd go up there. Wednesdays are normally slow nights audience wise, but when I got there, it seemed packed. I asked to go up after 9, which ended up being way after 9. Was suppose to go up at 936, but didn't end up going up until 1015 or so. Chip was nice enough to switch with me, even though he did not want to. I normally don't care when I go up, but it made a difference as I wanted to get a work out in before work. I thanked him, and had a pretty solid set. I screwed up one joke, but overall it went well enough. Had solid banter with a few audience members. There was 5 or so comics that came down from LA and they were bumping all the SD people. It was pretty annoying, but the guys were nice enough.

Thursday I did the Madhouse. I expected it to be busy, but it was packed. That was by far the busiest I've seen the place. Likely 125 people if I had to guess. I was suppose to do 10, and the host even said he had me doing 10, but I did closer to 7. He lit me early, which is pretty messed up. I didn't promote the show, but if I did and was screwed on that much time I'd be pissed. I could understand if I was bombing but I was doing pretty well. I didn't complain, just thanked him for the time and went about my way.

The show was put up by typical grimy LA promoter types. They did Winston's a year or so ago, and complained about the money I paid them. I don't think they even remembered me. I flat out told them I didn't have the $100 they wanted and told them to talk to Jesse. This Madhouse show was packed like I said. I texted them names of people I knew, with no intention of any of those people going. The take advantage of comics with false promises they never intend to come through with. They screwed one of my friends over multiple times telling them they'd get LA Improv spots, have them promote it, and then tell them into the show they were bumped. I'd be pissed beyond belief. When I got there I see them in the face arguing with another comic. Turns out he was bumped from the show today. Don't get me wrong this comic isn't very good, but he can promote. After my set, I went out and talked to him. He's said he's been bumped multiple times by them. First off, if I got bumped once, I'd never work with them again. He said he's been bumped 4 of the 5 shows he was suppose to do with them. That's just idiotic. How desperate are you for stage time? Just don't work with them. Esp. since they're not even paying you. Comics complain about bringer type shows, just shut up, don't do them, and move on. Such a wasted emotion. I heard a story about another horrible, bringer comic, that got banned from the new club downtown. At this point, his friend's realize he isn't funny, and no longer come out. I guess he bombed hardcore (as he always does), didn't bring as many people as he said he would, and as he was leaving the manager told him he was banned. Pretty humorous. I can't feel bad for these people that are taken advantage of. Enjoy the laughter you're getting from the huge crowd, but realize you are being used. Once the people stop coming, you're dead to them.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hey Comedy Store, nice seeing ya

Slow times at the Comedy Store. Sunday was a weird vibe all around. There was rain throughout the day, so that made for a small crowd. The opener did not show up and there was only about 25 or so people, and 12 were from a birthday party group. As I was seating people a guy gave me what I found out after was $20. Kinda cool and strange. He then sat in the front row and stared at people and tried to be a apart of the show. The first guy was an older Asian comic who has a lot of self deprecating humor. He kinda ate shit. And I was next. I started off with some crowd work that started pretty ok and then trailed off. I tried some jokes and mixed in some more crowd work. I had the strangest heckle ever. I said I don't like karate and someone yelled, "It's the Dane Cook of martial arts.." Excuse me, wtf do I say about that. I was stopped in my tracks. First off in my moron brain, I thought karate and martial arts were basically interchangeable. Welp I'm an idiot. Anyways I didn't have much clue what to do. I ended with my reality tv show show and that got a good response. I would say it was a decent set. A few people said I did well, always nice to hear. It was just a weird night overall. When Erik Westland was on stage a woman in the front row, wife of the guy that gave me the $20, threw a napkin at him. I'm not exactly sure what led to it as I was taking out the trash, but I look up and see a napkin in the air towards the stage. I guess after she apologized and figured, "You'd say something funny about it." Crazy people. The crowd was weird all night, maybe my fault as I opened with crowd work and they assumed they could yell what the wish and be apart of the show.

Monday was the open mic. Smallish crowd and full of comics. My set was what it was. I tried this awkward character. I committed to it for the full 6 or so minutes. I think it doesn't work as well by myself. I would like to work on it with Rene more often. I think it's really funny, and tests the audience to figure out whether or not it's real. It doesn't help that I had to seat people. I guess a gal in the crowd said she felt bad for me, which is the point of the bit. I was happy with it overall.

Tonight I worked again at the Store. They had their graduation showcase for people that took the class. I had no idea what to expect, but I would have to say it wasn't terrible. Some of the comics were better than a lot of the open mic ers that I see. A few of the comics were 13,14,15 respectively. Crazy. I'm so jealous and look back to wish I could have performed when I wanted to. I guess the 13 year old's parents kind of pushed him into it to try to make his acting career. When you're that young and somewhat funny there's likely no chance you're actually writting those jokes. I don't thin that helps a comic grow. But if he did write those jokes that's amazing. Everyone was decent enough, and who knows how bad they were when they started. The crowd was amazing, only about 30 or so, but they were so giving. Erik got to go up at the end and destroyed. Definitely one of the rare shows that I actually wanted to perform on.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Well that was neat

Winston's was slow as expected. I'm not sure whether to switch the contest back to Mondays, or if having the show is worth it at all. It is so hard to get repeat customers. We did have a table of randoms but other than that it was dead. There was maybe 10 or so people. Very slow. Plus parking is a pain dealing with the farmer's market. I think the show is fun, but as far as getting people in there, not sure what to do. I was told by a comic who runs another contest that we should try to get a sponsor. He tried and got Grey Goose to sponsor his contest without much effort. This isn't really my department. I'd have to ask Jesse to do this, but not sure if he's tried or would be able to get on at all. The show was sub par. Tough to judge without much of an audience, but I think it was as fun as can be. Our judge showed up 45 minutes late. He thought the show started at 8. Not only has the show been the same time for the year we've been doing it, but it's posted everywhere. Our winner from the previous contest ended up being eliminated.

Thursday I "headlined" the Madhouse show. I'm not really sure why I agreed to do this show, other than the possibility to do 20 plus minutes and make a few bucks. It was dead as expected and the crowd did not laugh. To their credit most of the comics on the show were awful and the show went long. By the time I went up the show had already been going for 2 hours. I decided I'd just talk with the crowd. I pretty much shit on the show and the comics. This went as well as it could go. I've never done that much crowd work, nearly 20 minutes. It's nice I can still do it, esp. stone cold sober. Once again I need to remind myself if I believe a show will be bad, it likely will be.

Friday at Winston's was dead. The one guy I hoped would bring people bailed on the show the day of, claiming sickness. Another comic that asked me to be on the show brought 0 people. Also the headliners both brought 0 people, and one had his birthday that day. Kinda sad, but I can't blame them I guess. Just sucks how great the show was the previous week to being so shitty this week. March was one of our better months as far as crowds, but I have a feeling April is going to be slow. One gay comic who I used to speak with when we were both starting has become such a pretentious asshole it's pathetic. I go back and forth on whether he just is uncomfortable in the environment or really does this he is better than people. He took a break from comedy soon after starting because he came out and needed to find himself or whatever. He emailed me a few times while he was on break asking about comedy, but now that he returned he carries himself like he's superior. He does run his own show that seems to be doing well, and sells out. People that perform out front of huge crowds don't understand how easy it is to get laughs. If you have 130 people there, you're likely to get at least 1/4 of them to laugh. And these lunatics get this false sense of funny. I think this has happened to him. As I walked on stage to shake his hand he asks me, "Did you light me early?" Really? Why would I do that, and if I did who gives a fuck. You never thank me for the time, show up 10 minutes before your set, and leave 5 minutes after. You bring nothing to the show. If I want to give you 3 minutes, it's my show and I have every right to do that. He complained when he co headlined when I told him he was getting 12 instead of 15 and then proceeded to eat shit for 12 straight minutes. If you're just going to show up, bring sub par jokes, you're going to get the time I give you. I didn't light him early, but I sure want to from now on.

Saturday was the Store. It was Rene'e first day there. He had the deer in the headlights look it seems most people have on their first day. It is between him and one other comic to be hired. I think it would be a great opportunity for him to get hired. I think he is a funny guy, his jokes just don't work as well on stage. I think he'll be able to gauge better and find himself. It was weird hearing people say he is not funny. He's a nice enough guy, and isn't running off stage acting like he killed.

Anyways the shows were pretty solid. Still haven't opened, I'm getting a little frustrated about that to be honest. But the shows went on without any major problem other than a drunk group during the second show. The first comic kind of encouraged them to talk so that set the show off on the wrong foot. The headliner had won last comic standing a few years ago, Ileza Shlesinger. She is cute, and has a lot of energy. Her jokes are elaborate stories and metaphors that can be tough to follow. She speaks real fast and walks around like a coke addict. She has a very female focused set, and talks a lot about tv stuff. I think she can be very unrelatable to older people, esp. men. We ended up having to kick out the drunk group. She actually requested that the second they got out of line they'd be kicked out. I was out of the room when they got kicked out, but I heard they were not pleased. I guess they were calmed down and got some free tickets so that made it ok I guess. I heard that 2 years ago when Ileza performed she had a bad experience with hecklers and actually flipped a table onto some customers. I had heard about this, and think that would have been awesome to see. She definately has an attitude, and an ego. She brought along her dog and one of the comics had to watch it the entire time, and I also heard the dog ran out of the green room and into traffic another time she was there. She is a pretty big name in the comedy world, but as far as he act it was meh. The feature was much better. He tells a lot of childhood stories and crowds eat that shit up. He actually got a few people to stand and applaud after his first set, and a guy stood and clapped for his second show. I've only seen that one other time, and it was not from a feature. Pretty impressive. I am shocked he has not blown up because he's clean and people love that type of material, plus he's a really nice guy. You'd figure that would propel him, but maybe he doesn't want to be huge and is content where he's at.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bouncing around

Sunday I was at the Store. I went up 2nd after the opener, who won the open mic last Monday. He brought a good amount of people. I chatted with them a bit, and then did a few jokes. I felt like I did pretty ok for when I went up. No real problems to report. Got to hang out with a few of the employees after, and that was nice to chat with them for a bit.

Monday I was at the Madhouse for their competition. I felt pretty confident that I would advance against the competition. But I drew number 2, which was almost number 1 but someone showed up last minute to go up first. I really didn't feel very confident with my set and kinda felt I ate shit. At that point I didn't feel good about moving on. A few people said I did well, but who knows if their being truthful or just nice. I just ended up hanging and chatting with some of the comics, not bothering to watch the others. Well as they were announcing the winners I was shocked by the first few names, so I didn't feel real good. They ended up calling my name 2nd to last, so I felt good about that. I assumed I got 2nd, but I was told after that I got first. Kinda cool to feel I did poorly and still get first, but what I was told was quite a bit of votes. As the rounds progress I'm thinking more and more how much it would mean to me to win. I won't forget the feeling of not even placing in the first contest. Left a bad taste in my mouth, esp. as I promoted a lot and that was the first time a lot of people saw me. Many of those never saw me again. It would mean so much, as the other 2 guys that won the big contests are in my opinion the two best in San Diego. So if I could win the 3rd it would me a great deal to me. I think I should make the finals, barring a crazy semi final round where I eat my ass. We'll see. Oh and after a dude chatted with us and bought a few of us a shot. That is the first time that has happened in nearly 3 years, that I can remember.

Tonight I was back at the Store. This was likely one of the worst shows I've seen. The host was this black, young comic that either didn't care about being a good host or was too stupid to realize how awful he was. He messed up pretty much everyone's name, on top of insulting the crowd and comics. He did 2 or more minutes between everyone, it was just a clinic on what not to do when hosting. The comics on the line up were pretty poor as well. It was the epitome of a bringer show. But those L.A. guys are trying to get at all the clubs, and are wearing their welcome. The number of comics is dwindling, and I'd hope they are getting the message they are simply being used. It's sad almost, but if the lunatics can't figure it out, they deserve to be used. The "headliner" was a screaming whacko that claimed to be mexican but had an Italien accent, very weird. Also, the guy from a few months back that told me I was off the show at the Palace, was also on this show. He talked to me when I was trying to avoid him, and asked if I was on the show. To which I replied, no I was working. It still didn't register in his meat head brain, until I told him I worked there. He was kind of shocked and likely thought how much a douche he is.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lotta shows makes a relationship hard

Wednesday was the contest. It was actually somewhat busy because the judge brought a good amount of people. He was visiting from out of town and asked me to get some stage time. Lucky he did, as he was the only person that brought any of the crowd. It made for an interesting evening, but the comics were lucky to have a crowd. A few of them mentioned him and the crowd seemed to enjoy that. After Winston's I had planned to go to Eleven but was still drained. I ended up having a drink and getting way more wasted than I had intended. I ended up getting into a fight with my gf, and was a dick. I am really making an effort to cut back drinking. I only really drank on Wednesday and Friday this week. That's very good for me. I am working very hard to cut back and this is one of my main things to focus on.

Thursday was the Store and Palace. I went up 2nd at the Store and it was a smallish crowd for a Thursday. I had a meh set, ranted a little bit and that got some laughs. After that was the Palace. Jesse and I arrived a little late, but we both had cleared it with the booker. Who apparently never told the people running the show. So when we arrived we were guilted and asked if we let anyone know we were going to be late. We both showed our texts to prove our point, but this didn't seem to matter. We were originally suppose to get 20 minutes, but ended up only getting 6. Kinda lame but I guess it's nice to get the stage time. I actually felt pretty good about my set, even though it started off pretty rocky. It is one of the few times I felt like I did decent at the Comedy Palace. We even did a tip bucket and I made a few bucks.

Friday was Winston's and a special show. We were suppose to have a dude who used to be apart of OBC. He was planning to be in town so we cleared the date for him. Turns out, he couldn't make it into town. So I decided to put together a roast. I've been wanting to do it for awhile, and I think this was a perfect excuse to put it together. It ended up being a huge success. The big crowd enjoyed it, we were able to donate a good amount of money to charity, and all the comics had an amazing time. It will definitely be something we do again in the future.

Saturday I worked at the Store. After seeing the best headliner I'd seen last week, this was likely the weakest headliner. He was a very nice guy, actually thanking us and chatting it up a little bit, but as far as comedy wise it was not headliner material. He was referring to notes, and just seemed to be stretching a bit. He was very edgy I would say. Lot of bashing of women, midgets, and handicapped folks. There was even a point when a gal yelled, "Stop, you're too mean." She wasn't really doing it maliciously, but he was walking a line on whether or not what he was saying was to extreme. Also the first feature that went up sounded like an opener mic er. Just wasn't great, had way too many made up stories that I had to basically tune out. The 2nd guy sounded exactly like Greg Giraldo, and I was told he stole a joke word for word from someone else. He was nice enough, but who knows with people like that. The crowds were small too, and made barely any money in tips.

I still haven't been asked to open a show on the weekends. Somewhat annoying, but I don't really care. I'd be pissed if I opened a show and ate shit, then had to hang out for another 4 hours. I do think they put way too much emphasis on how long you've been working there. It's basically the same guys opening every weekend, and their both meh comedians.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Couple Store shows and a Palace pop in

Well well well, actually had a pretty decent set at the Comedy Palace. It was one of the few times I can remember getting off stage and not wanting to immediately leave after. I started off a little shakey, but got into some girlfriend material and got a nice rhythm going. I did about 10 minutes, and felt ok about it. When I got off stage one of the bookers talked to me for a little bit, saying I did well, blah, blah. Another dude said I turned the crowd around, always a cool thing. Anyways, I chatted with the booker a little bit longer and he said I could come by anytime I wanted. He then said, "I have trouble finding comedians." I joked, well I was feeling good. He then said he meant he can't find good comics. When I looked around at some of the comics that were on the show, I couldn't argue with that. He told me to text him anytime, and he try to get me more time, in the 20 minute range. That definately would be cool, and it's closer to my apt.

Monday was the Store open mic. Pretty good crowd, considering one dude brought 20 or so people. These shows can be tough, but the crowd was pretty supportive, until he went up, and then they all filed out. He was actually moderately funny, and was picked to open the show on Sunday. I think well deserved. There was one dude that just yells weird shit, staring at his notebook, and that got a good reaction, but it was more laughing at him, then laughing with him. The host actually thought for awhile about choosing him to open. The same host that was doing 3-5 minutes between each comic until someone talked to him. He went from doing 4 minutes, to flying through it. I didn't mind it, but he didn't have to make such a drastic change. I don't mind Mondays, as it's no pressure, and I can feel free to experiment with stuff. I actually tried a brand new joke that will surely be a staple of my sets moving forward.

Tuesday I was back at the Store. I looked at the schedule and noticed I was written into first. One of the comics must have complained and made his way into going on in the middle of the show. I understand he's been working there longer than me, but who whines about stage time. He's a pain in the ass, and does absolutely anything while he's "working." I actually started a few months before him, but he got lucky when a new club opened up and a lot of the comics moved to that club. He used to be a pleasant guy to chat with, but his ego has ballooned to rediculous proportions. It's not just me that has noticed it, my roommate also speaks of it. It's really pathetic, as I think he is a talented comedian, but to carry that kind of ego is not necessary. Anyways, I opened the show and felt I did pretty well. I should have planned out a set, as I was pretty choppy. Opened with the joke I did the night before, and added some stuff to it, and it did very well. I ended meh, but I can't complain about the result with opening and all.

After that I stood around, collected glasses, and watched some of the show. There were two people from a local radio station on the show, and they brought basically the whole show. One of the dudes went on stage for the first time. I'd have to say he was decent. Jokes were hacky, about jerking off, the usual. But, his stage presence and timing was decent. The other chick I've performed with a few other times. She isn't bad, and she is slowly progressing. It's nice to see her improve. It does help that every show she does is pretty packed. That's a luxury I wish I had. Anyways, while the show was going, the dude took off to do the marque without ever telling me. So I'm standing there when a comic finishes, and one of the managers, who's also a comic, says "Are you going to shut the light off?" At this time he's standing closer to the frigin light switch than me. He's all about putting your time in, I get it, but being a dick (not the first time) isn't going to help. Esp. considering he tries to slap me in the balls all the time. People like that are silly. Either try to be an authority or be a pal. You can't pick both. After I shut the light off, he says something like, "Arn't you going to check the clock, or are you useless with that too?" Wow, you are a douche. First off I had no idea I was controlling the light or clock. Secondly, why the f do you have any need to talk to me that way? Just pushes me away. I'm already finding myself not really interested in driving there nights I don't work. I don't want to get to a place where I hate it there, so I just need to pick my nights to perform there.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shows and a Vegas crapola

Friday at Winston's was pretty packed. I was somewhat uninterested in going up. But I decided Jesse and I would write each others sets. The set I gave him went really well. As far as what he gave me, the first joke fell pretty flat. The next show was going a downward spiral as well, and I broke into a complaining rant that went much better. I did a few other jokes, including an all new joke which got a great response, hooray.

Saturday at the Store was a female headliner. She was ok. Typically L.A. headliner, nothing special. Her opening act was a very tiny gal, and was pretty low energy, with some semi perverted jokes. The feature was likely the most talented, which seems to be the case at a lot of these weekend shows. He was kinda hacky, but had good timing and stage presence. Crowds seem to love not having to think.

Sunday I was off to Vegas. Looking forward to drinking and poker. The first night I checked out a comedy show. It was at a hookah bar. The host, "Funny Bone," (yes that's his real name) was quite stoned. And in typical black host fashion, not a racist judgement, it's normally true, he talked about being stoned and rambled for about 5 minutes between comics. They had a decent crowd, 25 or so, many of which comics, but they were attentive and laughed when something was funny. When I arrived I talked to the owner, who told me to speak to Funny Bone. I did, and he put my name down on what appeared to be an old receipt he took out of this pocket with other names scribbled down. He said he'd put me up at some point. I wasn't in a huge rush so I figured I'd be polite and let the host bring me up when he could. So I'm watching typical dreadful open mic comics talking about sex and drugs. Then I see a seat open up on the couch in the back and figured that would be more comfortable than standing. As I sat down, a large, what I assumed to be black transvestite (whether "she" was a man or woman I'll never know) named Tab Lloyd told me to come closer. Trying to be nice and not come off like a prick I slid closer. She then said, "I've never had a white boy sit so close before," "Hmmm so flattered to be the first." Great. Then she tries to run her fingers through my hair and touch my knee through the hole in my jeans. Very gross and uncomfortable I stare and listen to the comedian deeper than I've ever listened before. Finally after I see another comedian pop in, Funny Bone approaches the mic, and says, "Ok that's our show. If I didn't get you up, I'll put you up next week. Have a good night." I ask him what happened, he said, "Well you never came back up, figured you left." The room was not that big or dark, I'm 100 percent sure he could see me. I don't know if he was just a complete more, or just was a dick. Either way, I said ok, and left. As I'm leaving the owner goes, "I thought you were going up?" I said, "I did, too," and walked out the door. I hear him call for someone to get me, but I kept my head down and walked to my car with no intention of going back. Who in their right mind would perform after the host closed the show and the audience was leaving. I already had the pressure of being the outsider, but now I'm suppose to be funny enough to bring people back into a show. No thanks. As I'm driving, I see a moped basically pull up beside me, flailing his arms. It didn't register at first but he was attempting to get me to come back. Are you freaking serious? Is stage time really that vital in Vegas? No thanks. Got a great story out of it, and didn't even have to perform.

After that I just walked around a little while, drank a few beers, ate a sandwich, and called it a night. The next morning I woke up a little groggy. Got out of bed around 230 or so and went to the gym. I also drove around awhile driving to get internet access but that was a waste of time. I then drank a little bit and headed to play some poker. The first night was really slow, won maybe 4 hands in 5 hours, and called it a night up a very small amount.

Next day I slept in a little later, had a drink or two and walked around the strip. I then had a buffet and went down for a nap, I woke up, went to the gym, and was ready to play some more poker. This night I didn't fare so well. I won maybe 3 hands in 2 hours, and then lost a big hand when I made a bad read against a douchey player with my 99 against his kk, good bye buy in. I took a break and then walked over to the Bellagio. Won very few hands that I can recall, and if I did win it was a bluff. Then had a 3 way pot when I held a king high flush draw and obviously misses and good game another buy in. I headed back to the hotel.

The next day I woke up kinda late, did the same thing, drank some beers, walked around the strip, and enjoyed a delicious buffet. Went down for a nap, went to the gym, and tested my luck at the poker tables again. This time, straight to the Bellagio. Won a biggish hand with a bluff, watched a guy throw away his money, and then got into a big hand where I flopped trips, and the guy had a flush draw. Obviously he hit his flush, and I failed to make a full house, good bye another buy in. It's crazy to think of mathematically how many times I fail to improve and go down. I need to take a break with poker, and am committed to doing so. I just lost any enjoyment of the game. It's like playing basketball and never making a shot. It's pathetic how much I've been unlucky in the past 3 months. All went back to the hand when I flopped top set and the guy hit his miracle king on the river. Things never bounced back after that. It's sad, but poker will be out of my life indefinitely.

Winston's I was back on the stage again. It's always tough coming back after a little time off. The show was pretty packed from start to finish. That made my set pretty difficult, as they were chatty. I stumbled through some brand new jokes, one about old women, that pretty much turned the crowd against me. I ended ok enough that I felt comfortable bringing up the first headliner. Both of them did pretty well with a combo of jokes and crowd work. I made a decent amount of money which is always great, esp. after losing as much as I did.

Saturday at the Store I saw, by far, the best headliner I'd see so far. His name was Owen Smith. Very talented, and I'd be surprised if he doesn't break into the scene soon. One of the feature I performed with at the Improv, and he recently had a spot on Leno. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, and had some good jokes to boot. He was slightly experimental, but had solid jokes.