SO I had the standard Sunday with Store and Blarney. I didn't make the list at the store, but I texted the old OBC dude and he texted the host. The host at first forgot to put my name down but he told me when he saw me he'd get me up. It was one of the best open mic crowds in awhile. Everyone was killing. The host tried to get me a few extra minutes but they had to put on another person. He brought me up as the best comedian he'd ever seen.. I of course talked about the pressure. I did all new jokes, most I thought of that day, mostly one liners. One went ok, the others not so much. I changed one up to make it salvagable and solid. My set went well, but it's tough to gauge with such a easy crowd.
Blarney was pretty slow, mostly comics. I was sticking to the jokes, which were meh. Then I got heckled by an older comic in the front. I tore into him a bit, and the crowd somewhat took his side. I also chatted with some girls who tried to heckle too. They talked to me after saying it's all in good fun. I'm still not sure why the old guy heckled me. The host said I did good so that's fine. I'm trying to stick to jokes. I left soon after, but I heard there was a comic that punched another comic in the face outside. I guess the new comic was talking loudly, and people kept telling him to keep it down. One thing led to another, and he got a fist full of comedy awakening.
Monday was the contest. It was a small crowd at first but it really filled out nicely. I did what ended up being 20 minutes of basically all new jokes before the contest started. I was bantering with the host a bit, and we were telling "you might be a redcoat" jokes. Some went ok. I was just skimming through my notebook trying out things I've written down. I got some good stuff out of it, which is cool.
Tuesday I got a call to host the open mic at the Comedy Palace. Who knows how many people he asked before me, but I was happy he even thought of me. Even though I hate that place, esp. hosting, I accepted. I got there and one of the comics that fills in hosting sometimes was holding the list and checking ID's. I didn't know if the dude double booked hosts. Turns out the comic was just doing the id thing for "fun." That show is so long and there are so many comics I never see anywhere else. There was basically 10 audience members, most were gone before the show ended. There was one comic that pops in there with the other host and is quite pompous. He comes up to me and says, "Did the host ask you to fill in for him?" Really, like I just showed up and decided to host. Granted I know that's happened before, but honestly he has such an ego it's pathetic. He basically shit on the crowd for a bit like he always does, than does his same hacky jokes. I can stand ego's. I had my roommate host so of it so he could bring me up as a comic. My set went decent enough.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Winston's and Comedy Store
Had a very successful week. The contest went well. Decent amount of people, and made some money. I was getting worried that it wouldn't build up, but there was a good turn out on the last one. I had one of my buddies judge and he wasn't the best at it. It's not an easy thing to be supportive and funny, and helpful. I think I've figured it out. I tried a few new jokes, with mixed reactions. I brought my roomie up and we did the gag that it was his first time on stage. It went surpringly well.
Wednesday I found out the bar show that I pretty much got banned from is no more. I am happy, and think maybe some of these guys will get a clue that running a show isn't that easy, and there's no reason to have an ego.
Thursday I did the Comedy Store. It was pretty full, before the 2 black comics and their posse showed up with a party bus. The guy told me at first they were going to have 2 party buses. But there was only one and it wasn't that packed. Like all their shows it wasn't easy. I noticed I was going up a little later so I decided to grab a shot to take a little bit of the edge off. I had a beer while I was there and I think it helped. I tried to do jokes but there was a lot more crowd interaction. I was pretty happy with the performance and had a few comics say I did well. Oh and a very hot lady who heckled me a bit, talked to me after. Obviously has a bf, but she was sooo hot.
Friday was Winston's. There was a dude that went up for the first time that brought a decent amount of people. Typical "I've never been to a show" crowd. They didn't heckle but they were talking more and more, esp. when more of them showed up. I stalled as long as I could to put him up, but I could tell his friends were getting restless. The crowd was tough, definately not a time to work out material. I saw some very funny people really struggle up there. I did a mixture of crowd/ dj interaction and jokes. Starting off chatting with people and that opened up the room a little bit. They didn't give it up easily, but I definately found some solid stuff I can keep working on. An "ex" was there with her new flame. He seemed kinda tooley, but I'm happy she found someone. She's kinda crazy.
Wednesday I found out the bar show that I pretty much got banned from is no more. I am happy, and think maybe some of these guys will get a clue that running a show isn't that easy, and there's no reason to have an ego.
Thursday I did the Comedy Store. It was pretty full, before the 2 black comics and their posse showed up with a party bus. The guy told me at first they were going to have 2 party buses. But there was only one and it wasn't that packed. Like all their shows it wasn't easy. I noticed I was going up a little later so I decided to grab a shot to take a little bit of the edge off. I had a beer while I was there and I think it helped. I tried to do jokes but there was a lot more crowd interaction. I was pretty happy with the performance and had a few comics say I did well. Oh and a very hot lady who heckled me a bit, talked to me after. Obviously has a bf, but she was sooo hot.
Friday was Winston's. There was a dude that went up for the first time that brought a decent amount of people. Typical "I've never been to a show" crowd. They didn't heckle but they were talking more and more, esp. when more of them showed up. I stalled as long as I could to put him up, but I could tell his friends were getting restless. The crowd was tough, definately not a time to work out material. I saw some very funny people really struggle up there. I did a mixture of crowd/ dj interaction and jokes. Starting off chatting with people and that opened up the room a little bit. They didn't give it up easily, but I definately found some solid stuff I can keep working on. An "ex" was there with her new flame. He seemed kinda tooley, but I'm happy she found someone. She's kinda crazy.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Few bar shows

Thursday I did a show at Portugalia. It was pretty dead. Mostly comics and the ones that have girlfriend's brought them. Everyone was doing ok, nothing spectacular. I went up and workshopped a bunch of new jokes. Got some good reviews for a few. I knew I did a good amount of time, I figured 8-10 minutesI talked to the dude after and I did 14. I was happy I could do that much time, with all new jokes. I'mm writing like I did when I first started. I really think it has a lot to do with going to L.A. and seeing Nick Swardson working out jokes and the bad comedy store experience. I guess you do have to go down to get inspired to move back up.
Friday at Winston's was slow from the start, picked up towards the end but the crowd was quite chatty. They did not laugh easily, but if a joke was good they laughed. I did ok. Still working on the new stuff. It's crazy how some jokes I did the night before did well with comics, but a crowd laughed very rarely. It's just so difficult for me to feel really good about my set at Winston's. I don't know if it's the pressure of running the show, or the crowd is just rough. I just never seem to feel great leaving the stage. It's the love or hate about the room that keeps me coming back.
After the show the bartender told me a couple of girls were looking for me. I knew my sister's friends were in town. She told them I do show's at Winston's. I go out and chat with them. They thought I ran the bands after the show.... Anyways we go grab some pizza and then they say they are a fan of the pot. I call up one of my comic buds who likes the stuff and we head over. I always hang out and watch them smoke but rarely partake. I don't know why but I decided I would. I realized why I don't as I tripped out. I was playing it up a bit but I really was bugging out. It was weird to lift my legs and I was chilling with a stuffed caterpillar. There's video somewhere and I'd love to see it.
Sunday and a single dip. Did the comedy store open mic. I noticed I didn't make the list for next week. That was the first time I didn't make it, with one of the dudes answering the phones in a really long time. Not sure if it has anything to do with me calling him asking if I'd get a spot for being on the sold out show last week. Usually when you get a certain amount of people, you get additional spots. He explained I did not, and seemed cool about it. Well apparently he was not as he brought it up to the dude that put me on his show. I know this because the dude approached me and asked me why I asked for spots. He was a real douche about it. I told him we usually get spots, he said I did nothing. I walked away. Kid's gotten an attitude ever since he thought he was passed. When in all reality he just hangs out and they let him seat people. Here's an awful comic, that will never be recognized for jokes.
My set went pretty good. Did some new jokes, 2 hit, I stumbled over the 3rd. It hasnt really been written yet and I messed it up a bit. I need to make sure I have some kind of plan next time, esp. for 3 minutes. The dude that sent me that email that I posted on my facebook wall opened up the show. A lot of comics were able to put a face to the name. He did awful as expected and left right after. It's funny he was talking to my friend, he said his name was Paul. That didn't ring a bell for her. They then talked about shows around town. She brought up Winston's, he said he's been banned from there. A. I've never banned him. But the ego on this kid to think I care that much about him is crazy. I also heard he talked to another comic about me that same night at the Comedy Palace off stage. I'm surprised the comic didn't tell me about it earlier, but either way.
We drove over to Blarney but with the rain there was 0 audience members. I was kinda tired and didn't feel like entertaining comics. We left. I was suppose to do a show in L.A. at the comedy store. But I messaged the guy earlier in the day saying I wouldn't make it. I saw it was suppose to be heavy rains and winds, and I didn't feel comfortable driving all the way up there. It was pouring on our drive home in S.D. so I think I made the right decision. I was surprised the guy was ok with it, as he's been difficult in the past and is slightly weird.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
High and lows of comedy
Sunday was another double dip. Did the comedy store with some newer jokes. The crowd was rather chatty but the jokes went decent. Still been coming up with a lot of new stuff. I went up a little earlier than usual, it was still light out. AFter the gym I went to Blarney. I haven't been drinking before, and have been sticking to my jokes. Some went good others, eh. I included some crowd interaction, and came up with a new way to do a somewhat gross joke.
Monday at the contest was slow but it picked up. I went up after the contestants. This was a little rough, but I voiced out some newer jokes. I chatted with a gal, somewhat pretty, that was doing comedy for the first time. I think female comedians are my "type." There's just something about them that I enjoy. Seems all the decent ones have bf's or move. Sucky.
Last night I was going to check out a speed dating thing at Winston's, but a fellow comic gave me a call to do a show in Temecula. I called him, as I don't want to travel, unpaid for shows if I'm only doing 5 minutes. He assured me 8-10. I also heard good things about this place, so I said I was in for the road trip. We get up there and were told we only get 5 minutes, as there's 22 comics. Ok? Also I end up going first. I pretty much ate crap for 5 minutes. It's a weird environment. But I was doing my "best" jokes and nothing was hitting. I did my cocaine joke to which some black guys complained about more black jokes? Hey idiot, listen to the joke. That is probably my favorite joke as it is true and smart. I also did trick daddy to which some said gross. The crowd was tougher than usual I was told. A comic talked to me after about saying he liked my stuff, the crowd just wasn't feeling it. Oh well. Lesson learned, no more traveling there. Kinda funny a joke I never did before hit the hardest. Joke about homeless people hating the term money doesn't buy happiness.
Monday at the contest was slow but it picked up. I went up after the contestants. This was a little rough, but I voiced out some newer jokes. I chatted with a gal, somewhat pretty, that was doing comedy for the first time. I think female comedians are my "type." There's just something about them that I enjoy. Seems all the decent ones have bf's or move. Sucky.
Last night I was going to check out a speed dating thing at Winston's, but a fellow comic gave me a call to do a show in Temecula. I called him, as I don't want to travel, unpaid for shows if I'm only doing 5 minutes. He assured me 8-10. I also heard good things about this place, so I said I was in for the road trip. We get up there and were told we only get 5 minutes, as there's 22 comics. Ok? Also I end up going first. I pretty much ate crap for 5 minutes. It's a weird environment. But I was doing my "best" jokes and nothing was hitting. I did my cocaine joke to which some black guys complained about more black jokes? Hey idiot, listen to the joke. That is probably my favorite joke as it is true and smart. I also did trick daddy to which some said gross. The crowd was tougher than usual I was told. A comic talked to me after about saying he liked my stuff, the crowd just wasn't feeling it. Oh well. Lesson learned, no more traveling there. Kinda funny a joke I never did before hit the hardest. Joke about homeless people hating the term money doesn't buy happiness.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Busy week after the the lull
Friday at Winston's was pretty packed start to finish. There was a heckler that came with one of the comics that came on the show for the first time I've ever seen him. One of the comics shut him up pretty good. But the heckler did say as he was being ripped apart, "I am the funniest person here." What a lunatic, he probably should do stand up, he'd fit right in. I went up much earlier than usual as the crowd was so good. I tried out some brand new jokes, which went pretty good. I've been writing a lot lately which is awesome. Not everything worked but they are good premises that could be reworked.
After Winston's I was in a comedy contest. I left Winston's early and ran over to the contest as the guy said it started at 9. Well they had featured and I was the last competitor so I went up at like 10:30. This guy does contests throughout So Cal, but he isn't the most friendly man. I facebook messaged him asking how he was picking the order and if it would be ok if I was a little late. He responded with isn't this late to be notifying. I said that doesn't answer my question. He came back with answers but he had an attitude. I talked to him after the show, and smoothed things over. He basically said he deals with a lot of flakes doing all these contests. I get it, just not a good way to handle things.
Well I didn't win the contest but I did get top 5 from audience applause which is cool as I brought 0 people. I did have the advantage of going last, and I had to follow 2 of the worst comics in San Diego. I actually opened with I'm here to save the show. I was happy with how it went. The top 3 were all girls. 2 brought the whole crowd, and are way too attractive to be doing comedy. The girl that won plays songs that's she's been playing at every show for 5 years. It's dirty people love that.
Saturday I had a small show at a pizza shop. It's a weird vibe cause it's all ages and the lights are on and there's no stage. Most of the crowd laughed at little to nothing. But the host did say I was one of the only people to do well. Also a hot gal high fived me after which is always cool. I was workshopping the new jokes, and trying to have as much fun as I could. It wasn't a great set by any means but I was happy to get something out of it.
Sunday was Comedy Store and Blarney. I wasn't able to make the show the week before, and I didn't make the list last week. I was lucky enough to get on alternates. I had made the list every week, but the normal guy was out of town and I think the guy that answered the phone the week before really does it as a random drawing. My set started off a little slow, as I followed a high energy guy that didn't really do jokes. I closed pretty strong which is always a plus.
Blarney Stone was weird. There was someone from my work there, who had never been to any shows, and clearly does not enjoy comedy. One guy she was with was literally rolling his eyes and asking what was funny about that. I basically looked away from them my entire time on stage. I stuck to jokes and didn't drink. She didn't recognize me, as she never mentioned anything at work when I saw her next.
Monday was the contest. Decent amount of people there. I didn't really do a set as I wasn't feeling it. I tried 2 new jokes that both hit. I gave time to a dude that used to live in SD and now lives in Texas. He has a bunch of dirty, yet smart one liners.
Tuesday was weird. I messaged a guy to try to do his room. It's a venue that is hit or miss mostly an urban crowd. I did it when I first started by it had been nearly a year since I went back. I went to watch a few weeks back and it was decent. This night not so much. Funny thing is the guy says when I first see him, "hey sorry about that thing." I say huh, he says nevermind. I say you confused me with another white dude. Which is likely why instead of giving me 5 minutes which I expected he had me as the headliner and paid me... Kinda cool to be mistaken sometimes. My set was eh. Not great, not terrible.
Thursday I had a big show at the comedy store. The guys asked me then forgot to put me on the flyer. I was a little hurt but I wasn't going to pass on the show. It ended up selling out over 200 people. I went up 3rd after a dude that pretty much bombed and almost had a meltdown at the end. I was slightly worried how I would start as his jokes are so different from mine. I ended up doing pretty well. Not a knock out set, but good overall.
Friday at Winston's was a solid crowd from start to finish again. I keep booking this one dude who is spreading the word about the show. I tried some jokes at the start while hosting which I never do. And to my set.... I stumbled over my initial joke basically 3 times. I played it off well, to where the audience couldn't tell if I was doing it on purpose or not. It's new and I even wrote it down wrong. I had 3 drinks as opposed to my normal 2. That likely had to do with it, on top of the fact I was doing basically 10 minutes all new. I got solid feedback on some jokes. I was just disappointed how bad I was stumbling.
I did hear about a dude who called out Winston's and me at another open mic. I confronted him about via email;. He responded by saying I knew nothing about comedy, and to stay out of his way. I didn't respond. He wrote back saying we got what we wanted to say, let's move on. What a whack job.
After Winston's I was in a comedy contest. I left Winston's early and ran over to the contest as the guy said it started at 9. Well they had featured and I was the last competitor so I went up at like 10:30. This guy does contests throughout So Cal, but he isn't the most friendly man. I facebook messaged him asking how he was picking the order and if it would be ok if I was a little late. He responded with isn't this late to be notifying. I said that doesn't answer my question. He came back with answers but he had an attitude. I talked to him after the show, and smoothed things over. He basically said he deals with a lot of flakes doing all these contests. I get it, just not a good way to handle things.
Well I didn't win the contest but I did get top 5 from audience applause which is cool as I brought 0 people. I did have the advantage of going last, and I had to follow 2 of the worst comics in San Diego. I actually opened with I'm here to save the show. I was happy with how it went. The top 3 were all girls. 2 brought the whole crowd, and are way too attractive to be doing comedy. The girl that won plays songs that's she's been playing at every show for 5 years. It's dirty people love that.
Saturday I had a small show at a pizza shop. It's a weird vibe cause it's all ages and the lights are on and there's no stage. Most of the crowd laughed at little to nothing. But the host did say I was one of the only people to do well. Also a hot gal high fived me after which is always cool. I was workshopping the new jokes, and trying to have as much fun as I could. It wasn't a great set by any means but I was happy to get something out of it.
Sunday was Comedy Store and Blarney. I wasn't able to make the show the week before, and I didn't make the list last week. I was lucky enough to get on alternates. I had made the list every week, but the normal guy was out of town and I think the guy that answered the phone the week before really does it as a random drawing. My set started off a little slow, as I followed a high energy guy that didn't really do jokes. I closed pretty strong which is always a plus.
Blarney Stone was weird. There was someone from my work there, who had never been to any shows, and clearly does not enjoy comedy. One guy she was with was literally rolling his eyes and asking what was funny about that. I basically looked away from them my entire time on stage. I stuck to jokes and didn't drink. She didn't recognize me, as she never mentioned anything at work when I saw her next.
Monday was the contest. Decent amount of people there. I didn't really do a set as I wasn't feeling it. I tried 2 new jokes that both hit. I gave time to a dude that used to live in SD and now lives in Texas. He has a bunch of dirty, yet smart one liners.
Tuesday was weird. I messaged a guy to try to do his room. It's a venue that is hit or miss mostly an urban crowd. I did it when I first started by it had been nearly a year since I went back. I went to watch a few weeks back and it was decent. This night not so much. Funny thing is the guy says when I first see him, "hey sorry about that thing." I say huh, he says nevermind. I say you confused me with another white dude. Which is likely why instead of giving me 5 minutes which I expected he had me as the headliner and paid me... Kinda cool to be mistaken sometimes. My set was eh. Not great, not terrible.
Thursday I had a big show at the comedy store. The guys asked me then forgot to put me on the flyer. I was a little hurt but I wasn't going to pass on the show. It ended up selling out over 200 people. I went up 3rd after a dude that pretty much bombed and almost had a meltdown at the end. I was slightly worried how I would start as his jokes are so different from mine. I ended up doing pretty well. Not a knock out set, but good overall.
Friday at Winston's was a solid crowd from start to finish again. I keep booking this one dude who is spreading the word about the show. I tried some jokes at the start while hosting which I never do. And to my set.... I stumbled over my initial joke basically 3 times. I played it off well, to where the audience couldn't tell if I was doing it on purpose or not. It's new and I even wrote it down wrong. I had 3 drinks as opposed to my normal 2. That likely had to do with it, on top of the fact I was doing basically 10 minutes all new. I got solid feedback on some jokes. I was just disappointed how bad I was stumbling.
I did hear about a dude who called out Winston's and me at another open mic. I confronted him about via email;. He responded by saying I knew nothing about comedy, and to stay out of his way. I didn't respond. He wrote back saying we got what we wanted to say, let's move on. What a whack job.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wow and another weak of just WInston's
It's kind of crazy how I went so many weeks with doing random shows to none in the past few weeks. I could have tried to do some shows on Tuesday but I didn't feel like popping in. There is a Wednesday spot that so many people are doing but for some reason the dude won't invite me back. I know it has to do with not putting him up that one week he popped in at Winston's. Well pal learn how to run a legit show and then well talk. Kinda funny he tried to charge a cover for a few weeks and no one came so he had to eliminate the cover. He's featuring on Friday at Winston's well see how that goes.
The contest was pretty dead on Monday. I hope it starts to pick up soon. I knocked the prize money down so we don't take such a huge hit in the finals. It just seems like everyone thinks they can get by without promoting. That should work for these rounds but as things progress people are going to have to step it up. It's hard when no one is promoting, so it's a dominoe effect. Anyways I went up before the contest and did 12 minutes of new jokes I'm still working on. Most of them went pretty well. Tuesday I thought of 3 new jokes, about 10 minutes of new stuff which hasn't happened in awhile. I think I'm going to keep sticking to doing jokes, as it's helping me work on new stuff. I have a bunch of shows coming up so I'll be able to try the new stuff on real people.
Life stuff. We moved Sunday. Basically took from 4 PM- 1 AM. Cleaning the old place and throwing away all the stuff from people who had lived there in the past took the longest time. We got to the new place and it was different. Neighborhood seems a little shady, but it's $900 a month. Biggest things were dead cockroaches in the cabinets, a shower that clogged, and no window locks. The company fixed the stuff rather quickly but let's see how long it lasts. I don't know how you miss major things like that. Also gross gal stuff. A gal comic came over to hang. I went to bed early (drunk), she showed up in my bed later (drunk), and basically tried to seduce me. There was no kissing, but at one point my weiner was in her mouth. Very gross and stopped it and slept on the couch rather quickly. I hope neither of us mention that ever again.
The contest was pretty dead on Monday. I hope it starts to pick up soon. I knocked the prize money down so we don't take such a huge hit in the finals. It just seems like everyone thinks they can get by without promoting. That should work for these rounds but as things progress people are going to have to step it up. It's hard when no one is promoting, so it's a dominoe effect. Anyways I went up before the contest and did 12 minutes of new jokes I'm still working on. Most of them went pretty well. Tuesday I thought of 3 new jokes, about 10 minutes of new stuff which hasn't happened in awhile. I think I'm going to keep sticking to doing jokes, as it's helping me work on new stuff. I have a bunch of shows coming up so I'll be able to try the new stuff on real people.
Life stuff. We moved Sunday. Basically took from 4 PM- 1 AM. Cleaning the old place and throwing away all the stuff from people who had lived there in the past took the longest time. We got to the new place and it was different. Neighborhood seems a little shady, but it's $900 a month. Biggest things were dead cockroaches in the cabinets, a shower that clogged, and no window locks. The company fixed the stuff rather quickly but let's see how long it lasts. I don't know how you miss major things like that. Also gross gal stuff. A gal comic came over to hang. I went to bed early (drunk), she showed up in my bed later (drunk), and basically tried to seduce me. There was no kissing, but at one point my weiner was in her mouth. Very gross and stopped it and slept on the couch rather quickly. I hope neither of us mention that ever again.
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