Monday, April 12, 2010

Errr.. I'm back on the train

I tried to take a break but don't think it's gonna happen. First off, wtf is up with some commercials. Just saw a commercial with humans riding a ostrich and they bust in and poke a man. That's awful.
Anyways the show last night was interesting. I had a few people from work that had never seen me, plus the new lady flame there. I hosted and then did a set. I planned all these new jokes to try but felt the pressure to be funny. I did different jokes, but nothing new. I did a pretty racist joke, that got basically all sighs and no laughs. I think it's funny, but it's prolly time to retire it. Anyways I had a decent set. The coworker first said I was funny then said I did alright. He was kind of drunk so I don't know what he really thought. I talked to him today he basically said the same thing. People don't realize how much their words effect a comedian. Anyways, I have some big shows this week, hopefully people think I'm funny.

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