Monday, November 23, 2009

Tired of being unlucky

A majority of people that gamble think they are unlucky, but I've come to realize I need to stay away from anything that involves luck. When I started taking blackjack seriously when I moved here in June 06 we couldnt lose. We never did, ever. For 3 months straight. Winning anywhere from 500 to 3k a night. Then one night I went home and was having problems with the ex and ended up losing 3k playing blackjack in one night. Once the ex officially ended things, I could never win. I've played BJ a few times since the break up and out of the 50 hands I've played I've lost probaby 47 of them. I'm not lying. Every time I play I lose 8 or 10 straight hands in a row. It's pathetic.

As far as poker there has been one day I got lucky. I won the freeroll for 12k. Other than that I've gotten unlucky over and over again. This past week I ran 50$ up to 300 just playing well and not getting unlucky. Then these last few days it's been rediculous. Unlucky one hand after another, one being even worse than the next. It's so depressing. I've lost thousands and thousands of dollars getting unlucky, not to mention all the money I could have won if I didn't get fucked over.

Today was pretty miserable. Wake up, play a tourney, get screwed in 4 straight, to lose the final 30$ in my account. Then I open up a letter from a company that is in direct resposibility for my tire popping a few months ago. They were doing street repairs and they had bolts sticking out the sidewalk. They basically said I shouldn't have parked there and should have seen the bolt on the street at night time. So now I have to get pissed off, and get my money. I can get very angry when people try to screw me over.

Then I try to go to the open mic at Lestat's. They have a drawing to pick names. And of the 30 people that signed up I got picked dead last. Are you kidding me? Last? When will anything good happen to me again. Honestly I'm tired of it. I'm not looking for simpathy or the like, it's basically maybe if I put it into words maybe things will change. It can't get worse. Probably a bad week to take a break from drinking, oh fucking well.

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