My set went pretty decent. Winston's is such a weird room. People are spaced out all over the place and you can see every face. In a comedy club you can barely see the first row and can only hear the laughter. With Winston's the room is so spread out that the laughter is so sparatic you can't really tell how well you are doing. I can always hear the dude I run the show with laughing and that always means a lot. If you can make comics laugh you're doing well.
I reworked some jkes I tried last week, and tried a new one. I think the new one went well and has potential. I do a Jesus joke and I also think that could become something. I have a joke about the pot calling the kettle black. I think that's a funny saying and go into the pot being a racist and bullying all the other dish ware. I think it's funny and unique but I can't seem to sell an audience. I am going to try it out front of a comedy crowd and see if it really has legs. I need to keep trying to get on stage. I have a comedy bigger shows lined up for December so we'll see how that goes. Also, I'll soon learn the fate if I'll get booked at my sister's college. It doesn't look like USM is interested, but if I get the sis college gig, I will try to book a 3rd Maine venue on top of the Gold Room in Portland.
Life stuff. Work is starting to get annoying. I'm ut in the X mas tree lot, and people are f word crazy. Stuck up bitches looking through 8 trees to decide which oone they want to die in their living rooms in the next 4 weeks. What the hell does it matter, get over you're self. You don't need a tree a month b4 x mas. Also, still kicking it with the lady from last week, still like her, no signs of her not liking me yet, who knows. Oh and I haven't got drunk all week. I've had a few beers here and there, but no vodka and no getting wasted. My sleep has been horrible, as in wake up every hour and up at 7 wide awake. But I'm hoping the sleep will fall into place.
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