Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bought a laptop

Finally broke down and bought a laptop. Wanted to cap my spending at 500, but paid 550$. Not bad. Crazy how inexpensive they are. They try to have you buy a 3 year warranty plan for 250$, half the price of the computer.
Life stuff is going well. Making friends and hanging out. Still no lady but I'm making headway so that's a start.
And comedy. Been pretty busy. Had two shows last Friday. Both were pretty crappy, oh well. I did one last night in Coronado. It was an ok crowd, it was a bar which is always a tough sell. I did a lot of dirty jokes, and people seemed to enjoy it. Some people dide really poorly, and a couple guys did really well. I need to try to pick up the energy for the bar shows, which is tough because most of my jokes are dry and smart. But I'm working on it.
Also took a huge step in the comedy career. Winston's my Friday night spot, that I've only missed twice since I started in April asked me to take a bigger role in the show. Well I more put myself out there. I will be involved in booking the talent and running the show. It could be a lot of responsibility for little to no money, but that is basically what I had when I ran GTV in college. I've been trying to run a room somewhere, and Winston's is the perfect spot. I want to change some things around and try to help local comedians break through. I hope it can be a success. I'm going to start taping more of my shows again. It was tough without a computer.

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